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7、Chapter 6 ...

  •   “Where are you going?” Shane拦下了带着Phoebe准备上车的Audrey。
      “Are you telling me that you want to take this little girl on a road to kill those things?” Shane一脸不可置信地盯着她。
      “Yeah. I’m teaching her how to protect herself. She needs that.” Audrey见Shane虽然无法理解但是并未反对,边和他解释边发动了车子, “see you in a minute.”
      “Mom. Why do we have to kill them?” 坐在副驾驶的Phoebe看着窗外的行尸们问。
      “Because they are always hungry and want to eat us. That’s why we need to kill them first.” Audrey边开车边回应。
      “Why don’t they eat something else? I have more cookies for them.” Phoebe一脸天真的问。
      “Maybe because they only eat fresh meat. Fresh blood and something like that.”
      “But you used to say that we shouldn't kill any living creatures.” Phoebe不理解为什么一夜之间一切都和之前学校教的不一样了。
      “They aren’t really LIVING. They are people who come back from death.” Audrey见Phoebe还是不理解的样子继续解释道, “When people died, they come back after few minutes or days. You might see them walking and eating, but they are NOT the same as us.”
      Phoebe默默思考了几分钟,又转过头问, “But we also walk and eat. We are alive.”
      “Yeah, but.” Audrey组织了一下语言, “The most important thing about living is that we have feelings, right? But they don’t. They won't be upset or angry if they are hungry or people say bad things about them. And they won’t feel happy or guilty when they eat us.”
      Audrey把车靠边停下,拔下钥匙,打开车门, “Come on Phoebe.” 她带着Phoebe走进右手边的树林中。
      “Just some fairy tales and spelling. She said we should keep learning.” Carl照着之前Audrey吩咐过的那样回答。
      “Well, but Audrey said it’s too easy for her. She’s too old for this.” Carl玩笑般地拒绝了Carol的提议,Audrey提醒过他们,不能和任何人说这件事。
      Carl的话逗笑了Lori和Carol, “Too old. HAHA.”
      “Where are they? Audrey and Phoebe.” Lori环顾四周没看到她们。
      “I don't know. ” Carl耸耸肩。
      “She’s a weird girl though.” Carol笑笑,继续手上的工作。
      Audrey站在Phoebe身边指导她, “Remember you are not tall enough, so what do you need to do firstly?” Phoebe绕到了行尸的背后, “And then…?” 她用两只手拉住它的脚踝,用力往后一扯,行尸脸朝地砸在了地上,挣扎着要爬起来, “NOW!” Phoebe从她背上迅速爬过去,犹豫了一秒,一刀扎在它的头上。
      Phoebe后怕地扑进Audrey的怀中, “It’s okay. We all need practice. That’s exactly why I brought you here, right? You almost succeed! Just pay more attention to the strength, and don't hesitate.”
      “But I feel sorry for them.” Phoebe眼泪汪汪地抬头看她。
      “That is also good.” Audrey用肯定的眼神看着她, “It means you are a kind and sweet girl. But you can’t let that kindness weakens you. Alright? Let’s try it again.”
      看着Phoebe成功在没有提示的情况下杀掉了一只行尸,Audrey赶忙欢呼, “Yeeeeah! You did it! Awesome! I know you are able to!” 同时给了她一个大大的hug。有了自信的Phoebe和Audrey一起在树林深处练习了起来。
      You can call me T-Dog.
note 作者有话说
第7章 Chapter 6

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