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6、Chapter 5 ...
“What’s that?” Audrey收拾着自己的背包,走过去看Glenn好像盯着手里的东西有些走神。
“Oh, that. Nothing. I was just checking.” Glenn慌乱地捡起自己的背包。
“Checking what? That’s condom.” Audrey好不避讳地当面揭穿了他. “Oh, yeah.” 看着Glenn更加尴尬的表情,Audrey忍不住想要逗逗他, “Who do you wanna have sex with?”
“Not you!” Glenn怕女孩认为自己是“那种”人,连忙连声否认。
“Not me?” Audrey倒是被他一句说的愣了一下, “Well, it seems to me that this is the perfect place for us to have sex. You know, without Phoebe watching.”
“What?” Glenn呆呆地轻声说了一句。
“Oh, come on.” Audrey吻住了他的唇。
“What took you so long?” 几人围上来边查看运回来的药品边问. “Nothing.” Audrey意味深长地对Glenn眨眨眼, “And not very long.”
“Who are those guys?” Glenn转过身看见营地里多了几个陌生面孔。
“Hey. I’m going for another run to the city. Do you need anything?” Glenn来到树林边找到正在偷偷教Phoebe和Carl如何使用刀具的Audrey。
“Again?!” Audrey记得不久前才刚刚出去过一次,她实在是不愿意Glenn每隔几天就要离开她们一次, “What do Shane need this time?” 她不由地语气有些不耐烦。
“Not him. Carol wants some books and teddy bear for Sophia. And I can get us something to eat too.” Glenn解释道, “Do you need something?”
“I just want you to be safe.” Audrey语气软了下来, “and be back.” 她用胳膊搂过Glenn,留下了一个告别吻。
“I will.” Glenn摸摸她的头,转身离开了。
“Why do you teach us how to use knives? My mom never let me touch it.” Carl皱着眉头不解,他不明白为什么自己每个提议都会被母亲拒绝,而Phoebe的家长就不这样。
Phoebe一脸得意地抢着回答, “Because my mom is the best.”
Audrey心里一怔,自从几天前自己从那些活死人“嘴里”救下了Phoebe之后,她就注意到Phoebe的情绪不太对,心思很重的样子,直到那天晚上,Glenn在她身边已经睡着了,怀中的Phoebe突然小声问, “Can I call you mommy?” Audrey当下有些被问懵了,她犹豫着, “Pleeeeaaase.” Phoebe用自己的奶音恳求着. “Yeah. If you want.” Audrey思虑良久,决定担起这个责任,毕竟自己和她的母亲保证过会好好抚养女孩。
“Okay. Good night mommy.”
Audrey听着Carl的牢骚,笑着耐心和他解释道, “Because your mom thinks that it’s safer to keep you away from the weapons, but I think it’s safer to let you know how to use it and protect yourself.”
Carl似懂非懂地点了点头, “I’m with you.” Carl表示认同她的观点. “Then you can’t tell your mom, or others about this, okay?” Audrey尽管偷偷教她们使用武器,但其实内心别提有多慌了,一旦被Lori发现,那后果可不敢想象啊。
Shane从她们面前走过, “Hey. Wait.” Audrey追了上去。
“Um, me and Glenn want you to have this.” Audrey从口袋中拿出了一块表递给他. “Audemars Piguet?” Shane难以置信地接过表看着她. “Glenn took it back last time he’s out there. We wanna thank you for coaching us how to use guns.”