傍晚。 Audrey和Phoebe两人从车上下来。 “Oh God. What happen to you?” Glenn被两人一身血的样子吓了一大跳,他的惊呼也引来了其他人的围观。 “Nothing. We just met few that Geeks in the woods.” Audrey熄了火,锁上车,把钥匙还给Shane,转身边回答Glenn边拉上Phoebe的手。 “Where have you been?” Lori拿着干净的衣服过来递给她们。 “Just few miles away. I just wanna check if it’s safe there, and Phoebe needs some air.” 从一众疑惑的目光中走过,Audrey带着Phoebe回到帐篷里换好了干净的衣服。 深夜。 帐篷中陆陆续续响起了鼾声,Audrey的帐篷却响起了窸窸窣窣的讲话声。 “Hey. Are you asleep?” “Nope.” “Actually, I took Phoebe out for a practice this afternoon.” “What?” Glenn不想相信自己的耳朵, “You took HER out just for a practice? Don't you have any idea how dangerous it is out there?” “Shh! I’m telling you this because I think you understand! And yes, I know how dangerous it is. That’s why I took her out!” Glenn压低声音, “That’s crazy. She’s only 5! She can barely hold an ax.” “I killed a lot of them today. I can take care of myself.” Phoebe的声音从Audrey身后传来。 两人一惊,随后急忙转移话题。 “Yeah. She did a really great job today.” Audrey抱过Phoebe,将她放在两人中间, “What’s that in your bag?” Audrey疑惑了一整晚了,Glenn回来之后便把这个看上去塞得满满当当的背包放在了帐篷里,将另一个交给了Shane,要不是对他足够信任,Audrey都快怀疑他要炸了这里呢。 “That’s,” Glenn故作神秘了一下, “something for you.” “For me?” “I found this in one apartment. Heard you two were talking about the piano and I thought maybe this can work too.” Glenn打开背包,从里面拿出一样东西。 “Oh my! Melodica?!” Audrey惊喜地接过Glenn带回来的口风琴, “Melodica?” Phoebe好奇地重复了一遍新单词。 “Will it do?” Glenn带着笑意收拾着背包, “Yes! Of course! It will do perfectly!” Audrey确实是没想到在末日的荒郊野岭还能再次看到键盘和音乐这种东西。 “I’ll show you how to play it tomorrow, okay?” Audrey轻轻地柔了柔Phoebe的头,她看出了她现在很想尝试一下这个新事物. “Okay.” Phoebe撅着嘴,但还是乖乖的应答了一声。 “And this is also for you. Found it in the market. Not much left, but at least it’s enough for this month.” Glenn直接把背包递给了Audrey。 她打开背包看了一眼,忍不住噗嗤一声笑了出来,用手进去翻看了一下, “Yep, enough for one month.” 随后她“郑重”地道了谢, “Thank you. On behalf of all the ladies here.” Audrey在Glenn的脸颊上留下了一个吻,Glenn也随后亲吻了回去,不过介于Phoebe还睁着大眼睛眨巴眨巴看着他们呢,一腔的“热情”也只能停留在了接吻处。 第二天早上。 “Morning.” 早起的Carol和刚从帐篷里出来的Audrey打招呼. “Morning.” “Alright. Ladies.” Audrey提高音量,拿着背包站在营地中间, “Glenn has got us some good necessities yesterday.” 众人笑着向她靠近, “What’s that?” Lori好奇地问。 Audrey打开背包,分发着里面的东西,边发边笑。 卫生巾和棉条。真有你的。