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5、Part V ...

  •   So I returned to my boring days again, eat, sleep and work. Though the guards are still kind, they gave me lot less work than others because I am the oldest, but it still tires me. We rebuild the outside part of the structures again and again, just to hope this can protect us, but in my deep heart, I still believe nothing can stop natural.
      I started to wait again, because my old pal promised me to take some pictures of the cities and outside world. It will took quite some time, but he promised he will let me see it. As he said, the outer has already been exactly different, we won't understand anything if we go out. People changed the world, they way of thinking, the communication tunes the culture, the transportation method. Computers may already have their own mind, but human have a way to lock it, to prevent it break out to attack people. I can see through my own mind, many things that's not understandable to us. I'm eager to see it, but also afraid, what if I can't live anymore, I mean, what if I died from not understanding the technology, but not aging, I will die like an idiot, which I don't want it to become true.

      Time flies, at last, my boring life came to an end. My old pal came again, with great amount of disks. He said he took down every thing came out after I came into prison, and put them into these disks, though the disks can storage a lot nowadays but it still fulfilled so many disks. The guards alouded all may friends, or say, all the old ones came. We sat in our small cinema, and somebody projected the movie clips for us. He told me the new vehicles uses electricity and sunlight, buildings have plants planted in the floor, all the fire electricity factories were taken apart, people only use wind and water, but many few nuclear power plants are still working. From the screen, I can see the sky is gray, very few rivers in sight are green, plants are every where, but honestly speeking, I believe they moved there too late.

      While we are still watching the sceen, the ground started shaking. We asked whether this is another earthquake, but something more dangerous is happening. A man in black uniform came in with a pale and week face, he said in a low and hoarse voice,
      'Twelve meteoras came, they dropped on all parts of Earth in 20 minutes, seperately to every where. I think we are going to die, in a few hours, or days, or in a week, I don't know, but the blast is already coming. It should arrive in a minute, and it should be able to destroy everything we have.'
      As he said, the blast came, more than an earthquake, also a blast in the air, we can feel the power in the air, walls are pushed from the side, and people got thrown into the air. Bricks fall from the roofs and the wall. We ran out of the building as fast as we could, and found there are many cracks in the ground, these should be brought by the blast underground. Soon, everyone got out of the building. We stayed outside, which was comparently safer, since the building is already being teared off from its top, brick by brick, falling like raining. Anyone in there shall be smashed to death.
      We did our best to keep our balance, the first time of my life I found standing straight is such hard work. We kept falling on the ground, standing up, and falling down again. Shaking as hard as possible, the building got totally ruined, from A to Z, not leaving one brick at its original position. After that, the blast went away, the earthquake gone, they are like coming right for the building, and leaving after finishing their work, what they decided to do.
      'So this came true.' Whispered my old pal.
      'What come true?' I've got puzzled, asking him.'What do you mean by come true?'
      'Remember, you said it before. If nature has mind, it will do its best to destroy us, as the avenger to human, and now, it looks like what you predict is coming true.'
      This recalled me of what I've said before. Looking at the terrible scene, I felt afraid. Though I was just kidding at that time, but it seems it really is like this.
      'Wind, rain, earthquake, and meteora, everything we've thought of have been, this should be the end, the good thing is, we are still alive, we won't be killed by the nature.'
      'No. You are wrong. We can live no longer than this disaster. Do you know about the extinction of dinosaur.'
      'Yes, because a giant meteora crashed on Earth, and the blast killed all of them.' He answer in an unconfident voice.
      'Actually you're wrong. The blast of that one can't be as big as this one, and there are 12 rocks this time. Dinosaurs died of hunger. Because once when the huge blast go through a place, dirt on the ground could be blow up to the sky. That means cloud whould be covered by dirt. And then sunlight will be blocked outside, in plenty of weeks, all the plants will die of dryness and the lack of light, the next will be those vegetarians, and at last, the meat eaters. In this way, the dinosaurs all died.' Gulped, I said.'And this, should also be the way human beings extinct.'
      Everybody kept silent, we could only hear the noise of shaking land and blowing dirt. Somehow, we felt somber.

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