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4、Part IV ...

  •   Long time passed and finally the building looked clean and tidy. I don't know what should be said, but these days there weren't any new disaster, and this made everyone here feel lot better. However, somehow I could understand, the whole thing had not ended yet. All until now, it should only be a half, in the end, the whole human population should come to an end, exactly an end, no one can survive.
      These days we were moved to another building which had not been ruined so badly. It is close to the ocean, we felt like going there to enjoy holiday, but actually, the total sum of us and the local prisoners is not enough to fufill the building, which was crouded before all the events. We stayed, as we were told, looking around everyday, chat as usual, hoping the end of destroy has come, and meanwhile, doing all kinds of work to strengthen the buildings, to protect us, to protect human beings. Bad news from lots of countries reported that most of the premiers of the countries died in the previous events. The fact is, people who have a higher job dies earlier. Thinking of what this will mean, we tried to return to our original life. My old pal is going to be liberated in 3 days, but he worries more than any of us. Will it be as safe as it in here though... It is a bad time to go through, because we had been very good friends for over a centry, it is really hard for us to say good bye to each other, but we sweared to meet outside, if we can still keep our lives in our body, and he promised to came visit me before I can leave.

      The day came anyways, some other people lot younger than him stayed on a same bus with him, the bus drove away, very soon, it got out of my sight. I sighed, telling myself everything is fine. Every party has an ending. This should be the hardest and maybe near the last one I can have.
      Fine as I live, days passes, sometimes little rain drops, sometimes breeze wind blows and sometimes big sunny days. I became to live in normal ordinary life. It's boring days, I have nobody to chat with, hardly can other understand how a old man thinks. I eat, sleep, work, walk, listen to newest news, and after all, I wait for my old pal. Until one day, a waterspout came. Just because we are at side of an ocean, waterspout crazily damaged our building.
      It came at midnight, while I was having my only hour sleep. Incoming wind blow pass the bars, I was woke up by the noise of shaking beds. Water is blowed towards us, it's like a small rain, but freezingly cold. The guard told us as the computer calculated, the waterspout will turn into tornado and approach us in half an hour, and that means people out of this building nearby will probably be killed by that time. We saw people rushing into the building, shutting all doors and windows they can found, but we still sit steadily on our beds, we believe this building fixed by us will protect us as we hoped.
      Anyways, hope cannot always become true. The tornado came sooner than they expect, it moved toward us, directly toward us. It damaged the ground near the building, pulled us against the bars facing it, roofs again were destroyed, things small as glass pieces, large as bricks and parts of walls, all got pulled into it, and then threw out, radomly to anywhere at any time. I feel my hair is going to be pulled off, clothes rapidly hit my body, my shoes got dragged out of the room, right into the tornado, and gone. This is dreadful.
      At last, the tornado got passed the building, after ruining the building until we can see throungh walls. Looking at the tornado leaving, I thought of my old pal. How is he now, did he got injured by the tornado, or, may he be already dead...

      Later the same day, I got a phone call from my old pal. He told me he was all fine, his didin't return to any city but his old farm. He said everything was fine there, nothing odd is happening there and if possible, he will come to see me in a few days. When I heard that, my tears fell, it is so hard to describe how it felt when a very good friend is going to come for a visit, a friend that have stayed with you over a centry, through deadly disasters. I cried, and I heard him cried, so I hung up the phone, returned to my room, thinking of my pal, nothing but my old friend.

      Two days later, he came. We sat facing each other, crying. He asked about the situation about the building now, and how many people got injured in the waterspout. I said everything is fine. We chatted, for a whole afternoon, we didn't stop, with tears and sob. He told me about all the damaged peices can be seen everywhere, though in the countryside, wind still blowed things everywhere, broken iron parts may be the most dangerous, some people got hit by them. Wondering what shall be happening tomorrow, he left, and I returned to my room.

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