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6、 Part VI ...

  •   As I\'ve predicted, these days the dark clouds blocked the sky. Everytime we lift up our head, we can see thick dirt flowing slowly with breeze. We are depressed, but still we can do nothing about this situation. The nature has power to control us, and this is the avenger to our behavior on nature, in the past, ever since we began to produce smoke, plastic, unrecyclable chemicals. We understand, the reason why the nature attack us, to the very beginning, this is all our fault.
      Sometimes, I and my old pal sit together, watch the clouds moving in the sky, we don\'t speak, because there is no word for us to express our depression. Everything we\'ve in the past centry is eat, moving bricks and sleep, why the disaster still attacked us. If the nature really have mind, will there be anybody who\'s innocent, who shouldn\'t be killed. We guess we are already some lucky ones. In total, less than 50 million people are still alive, and I believe no more than 10 thousand human beings can stay alive after the whole disaster pass through. We lived long enough, we don\'t suppose we can get through all this. I surf in my mind, finding wishes that haven\'t been finished, just for a consolation for myself. In deep heart, clearly as I\'m sure, I have no chance to live through one more day.

      Food clearly is not enough for so many people. We live as we eat, me and my pal stopped taking food from the guards since this morning. The guards told us some young ones already went out to find food, we can eat as we should. But we refused. We looked at the sky for the whole day, back to back, staying silent. We no this is the best ending for two prisoners, we don\'t want any more, life to this could be enough.
      When nightfall, he said we should left, I agreed quietly. So we stood up, beyond every people\'s vision, we walked, towards the ocean, the dark water reflected weak light from the interstices of the clouds on the dirty water. We can feel the water is cold, air in our trousers leak out and blow up in the water, step by step as we went, people behind us became quiet, some other old people joint our adventure, a brend new adventure in another world. To the others who haven\'t come, you can run but you can\'t hide, till one day we will meet, in the world we are going to.

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