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3、 雅思临考速成高分秘籍 ...

  •   雅思
      临考前条形图、饼状图(pie/bar chart)高分作文模板及套句


      give information about…

      2段: 对比论述图表极值+图饼极值

      It is clear that the principal/main/...reason/issue/point why/how…is/was…

      the …of…,with regard to the sth. they made,is/was…


      Looking more closely at the bar chart/graph ,we can see that…

      By contrast,only…

      sth. was cited as the reason for x% of all…while unspecific reason accounted for the remaining x%

      n%=n in 100


      According to the pie/bar chart,… is the key consideration for

      Almost n% people cited …as their foremost concern while …and…is the main reasons/issues for … %and…% of the…

      Finally,a total of x% of those surveyed thought that access to …for…is the most important …issues.

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  •                 2.发布负分评论消耗的月石并不会给作者。
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