坊间曾流传过这样的一段话: ““The "fool's errands" we play on people are practical jokes. Some practical jokes are kept up the whole day before the victim realizes what day it is. Most April Fool jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone. The most clever April Fool joke is the one where everyone laughs, especially the person upon whom the joke is played. 我们做的"愚人差事"是属于日常性玩笑。虽然有些恶作剧会持续一整天,直到受害者意识到那天是什么日子为止。可愚人节的玩笑大都好玩而无害。那种能使每个人,尤其是让被作弄的人发笑的玩笑是最聪明的愚人节玩笑。” 于是,在这个Fool's day里,出现了以下的故事。