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9、change ...

  •   The same old story recurs day in day out with monotonous regularity.

      Past experience has taught us that, if you violent the people's will, the situation is beyond your control.

      With the deepening of globalization, the phenomenon of non-marriage doctrine has attracted considerable attention.

      Thanks to the industriousness and creativity of the past generation, we are living in a world full of changes and challenges.

      As a youngster who want to become difference with other person, it is also my opinion to make a difference life rather than obeying an old lifestyle.

      It is in my own era,and in my view, I need to spend my life just considering myself. Even though it is selfish, so what? if someone guides your life, she or he also is selfish.

      It is the same theory.

      The primary reason why I hold this view is that whatever you do you are wrong, isn't it?

      The old generation usually want youngster generation to lead a stable life, but what the stable life is?

      Technology is much more developed than ever before, but our views still stay at the original position. That means someone wants us to keep a stagnating living.

      The young generation,As far as I can see, should be guided on the premise that they can be respected.

      Many youngsters failed in their efforts to keep alone.

      In our daily life, we do not have a series of schemes and intrigues, but colorful eyes.

      To get a fundamental change is not an easy thing. It is not only to expend time, but energy.

  • 本文当前霸王票全站排行,还差 颗地雷就可以前进一名。[我要投霸王票]
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