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3、《查令十字街84号》2 ...

  •   In reply to your letter of October 5th, we have managed to clear up two thirds of your problem.


      clear up 解答,解释;清理,打扫;放晴;

      The three Hazlitt essays you want are contained in the Nonesuch Press edition of his Selected Essays and the Stevenson is found in Virginibus Puerisque.


      We are sending nice copies of both these by Book Post and we trust they will arrive safely in due course and that you will be pleased with them. Our invoice is enclosed with the books.


      in due course 在适当的时候
      【 due :adj. 1. 预期的、预计的;2. 金钱上应该付的或是欠付的;3. 适当的、符合常规要求的。n. 应该得到的东西,包括权益、金钱、表扬等等。adv. 通常放在方位词前,表示“正(南,北等)方向”的意思。
      1.due to:因为,由于。
      2. give the devil his due:平心而论,说句公道话。
      3.in due course:在适当的时候,主要指没有具体时间,但是是在计划中的情况。
      4.pay one’s dues:为了成功而付出努力或代价。
      5.due process:程序正义】

      The Leigh Hunt essays are not going to be so easy but we will see if we can find an attractive volume with them all in.


      original book 原著
      limited edition 限量版
      hardcover 精装书
      paperback 平装书
      signed books 签名书
      untrimmed books 毛边书

      We haven't the Latin Bible you descibe but we have a Latin New Testament, also a Greek New Testament, ordinary modern editions in cloth binding. Would you like these ?


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