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6、第 6 章 ...

  •   The girl who is as holy as the white lily, as heavenly as the angel, devined as the Blessed Virgin Mary.

      The white lily drop in the dust and dye into the color of the blood, the crime I brought to you which I never want. I was falling into the hell, why you are so foolish to drop with me. Diana, saintly girl, you want to save me by your innocent white soul, but drop in the dust and cover with the shame which you never
      should to bear.

      The vase deep sea drowned me, the vase old deep sea. The sea’s million years old, so did my heart. I wanted to sleep in the deep old sea with Ulysis by my side; the sea could wash my sin!

      How peaceful I felt, though there was a big storm in the sea.

      The rain was quite heavy. The wind blowed strongly, the wave’s huge knocked me down into the deep vase sea. I was tied, I had swam in the sea in such a storm for nearly a whole night, now I didn’t wan t to release. The sea would be my vase grove, now I could leave, no suffering anymore.

      Lance Elphinstone was looking at the young man on the bed.
      Outside the window, in the garden, the summer flower was blooming prosperously. Flowers were beautiful and aroma, but they can’t match the young man!

      How beautiful the young man is! Lance had never seen such a handsome man in his whole life, God must made a little of himself in the young man, so glorious, so holy, and so heavenly! He was a perfect work of art, God must be very careful when made him, no artist can make such a perfect work of art, only the god!

      The fine aristocratic feature, the height and the perfect proportions of his body, the way every physical element had been put together with a degree of care about the appearance of the finished product God lavished on few of his creation. His hair was very long and of the darkest black, having the wonderful luster of silk, his eyelash was long, dense and curled, make him has the gaiety of a child. His mouth was rose like; give him the delicacy of a girl. His skin was snow white and silken. He is a man who can draw all people’s attention, even when he’s sleep.

      He was sleeping peacefully like a child, so pure and so innocent!
      Lance wanted to know how his eyes like, in such a perfect face. He hide such a perfect work of art in his room, he went to see him everyday. The young man has slept for a whole month. In some way, Lance don’t want him wake, his sleeping beauty. He could enjoy his beauty without any press. He wanted to see him for a hundred years.

      The pair of eyes opened, it’s blue, as blue as the deepest lake, so beautiful and so deep. Lance was absorbed into them with all his heart and soul!

      “Haven’t I died?” A velvet voice asked in French.
      “Of course you haven’t. I found you on the beach and took you home.”
      “You shouldn’t save me!”
      “Why you committed a suicide. You’re so young.”
      “My wife died, I couldn’t live without her.”
      “Who are you, where you came from?”

      Philix was silent, he didn’t want anyone know who he is, he prefered they all thought he had died, died with Ulysis in the storm, but now he know he couldn’t die, even in a storm like this, God don’t want to release him.

      “Where I am?” instead answer, he asked after a few minutes.

      “You are in Ireland, and I am Lance ELphinstone, the Duke of Ireland.”
      Lance was standing in the Garden, looking into the rosebush, the young man told him to call him Fransis, but lance know it isn’t his true name, the young man even don’t want to tell his true name to him, he must had some misery experience.

      Philix was playing harp in the rosebush, the rose was blooming so prospers, it’s aroma, the rosebush called him back to the memory of falling in love with Ismaylada and Ulysis, by that time they also chased in the rosebush, he could never forget the sweet memory, but now they all died. Ismaylada was beautiful and zealous, ulysis was so sweet and so innocent, they all loved him very much, he loved them with all his heart and soul.

      Why the fate is so painful, is it his destiny, he thought he couldn’t love anymore.

      Philix became very peaceful after the storm, he’s quite silent, he got his peace in the storm in the sea, big pain was still there, burning his body and his soul, his misery memory was burning with the pain. Now, refined in the storm, became spirit, he became as peaceful as the God, as well as the deep old sea, no one could find such peace in a human-being, perhaps companied with a little divines, a little holiness, he seemed more than a god than a human-being.

      Lance wondered how a man could be like this, he is so graceful, so Lordly, and so heavenly, the music he played was so melodious, so wonderful, it can make neverious mind smooth, mad broken heart cure, he had never heard a music like this, it sound as if there was magic power init, can absorb people into it, it made people peaceful, but there’s deep sadness in it. As if it was the fate itself, so painful, so misery, but still it was so holy, like a vice from the heaven.

      Philix stopped playing music, pick a red rose and gaze at the rose on his hand, rose is a sacrifice, so did Ismaylada and Ulysis, they were beautiful roses too, devoted their beauty and kindness to people and to the world, they were both the best rose the God made, but picked up by him cruelly. A thorn scabbed into his hand, blood came out of his finger, so strongly, it couldn’t stop, flowed along his hand and dyed his white shirt into red.

      “What’s the matter?” Lance was surprised.
      “Nothing, just a scab in the rose.”
      “How are you? Is it serious?” Lance cried:” the wound is still bleeding freely.”
      “I’m the one to blame, I picked the rose up.” Philix said with a faint smile.

      Lance was fascinated by it, it’s so charming! No one could dent it. Lance had never seen his smiling, and was astonished by the beauty at that moment a smile with such sadness!

      “I want to be a priest; perhaps you can introduce me to the church.”

      “You wanted to be a Priest?” Lance had never thought he is man keen to religion. He is such a handsome young man, live a whole life in the church. What a pity! “ but you should go to the priest school first, you’ll stay there for many years, then could consecrated to be a priest.”

      “I have a friend, perhaps he could help me. Then I could not need to waste so much time.”
      ‘Who could, it’s the routine.”
      “The Pope.”
      “The Pope?” Lance was astonished, had you been to Vatican?”

      “I’d stayed in both Vatican and Jerusalem for some time, but more time in Jerusalem, I only stayed in Vatican for a month, but I conversant with the Pope for more than eight years, he’s very kind to me, always gave me reassurance.”

      Lance had never seen philix was so excited and said so much. He never know him, the man was still a stranger to him.

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