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  •   Elizabeth

      I leave you just beacause I don’t want to hurt you, but I never know it could bring you more pain. The girl I don’t want to hurt, I hurt at the last.
      It was very funny to see a play write about myself in the theatre.

      I returned to Europe, returned to the old ritual of the life. Having balls, going to the theatre, hunting, drinking, and all the luxury entertainments.
      But I had never felt happy, the big pain consumed me days and nights.

      I couldn’t sleep well every night. In my dreams, Ismaylada was wearing her thinnest white chiffon, floating in the river, wet from head to the feet, went towards me with a faint smile on her face.

      I am quite depended on Patimo who is my only reassurance. I would die if it weren’t for Patimo.

      The war made me very famous, as well as in the Europe. A play was written about me and displayed in the theatres all around the Europe. It’s very popular and achieves big success. Even the actor who act the figure of Philix became very famous and fascinated millions of girls.

      I have stayed in London for a few weeks, the rain made me bored; I had to stay indoor all days long. The play in the theatre was boring too, I had already seen it for many times, but it still on play.

      I knew it didn’t t tell the truth, I don’t know the “ Philix” in the play; he was descript as a conquest and a playboy as Don Joan. It were also many romance about his love affairs with his Arabian lovers, he’s always a happy fellow. But I am the one who always live a painful life. In those days I had few stayed in a place more than a month.

      It was Wednesday; I walked down the Oxford Street to the Greencrystall theatre. I really had got no idea what I could do except doing that.
      When we arrived at the theatre, we found the play was still the one we had seen for so many times, we had no choice. There were still so many people waiting for it. They were never bored to see it.

      After we had waited for so long, the play still hadn’t begin. Many people get impatient. I could heard some one whispered that the most important actress­-Robert Bens was absent. He acted the hero in the play, if he didn’t come out, the play would soap. But he’s a star now, he won’t act if they didn’t give him more money.

      The girl sited by my side seemed very disappointed. She signed and looked sad.
      “Can I help you.”
      “I want to see the play, I won’t have the chance if I don’t see it tonight.” The girl signed. She was so disappointed that I felt I must help her.

      But how could I?

      “Do you remember all the lines in the play? You always can if you had seen a play for more than twice.” Patimo asked. We had seen the play for more than ten times. No wonder he would ask me.

      “Perhaps. I can remember most of them, but I don’t sure of the details.”

      “That’s ok! You could play the role of philix instead of Robert.”

      “Could I? I have never thought of being a actor.”

      “Why not? It would be very interesting. I’m sure you are a gifted actor. Do you want to disappoint the young lady?”

      I decide to do it in the end; it wasn’t my first time to be on the stage, but the first time as an actor. To say the truth, it was not so bad. Sometimes it called me back to the old days I have experienced. I take it free, and act in my own style. Once I dislike the lines or forget it, I say it in my own way.

      I did it quite nature. My partners surprised but they adjust to me. Some times my painful memory made me act with air of tragedy.

      It was very successful; all people who saw it are moved. To them, the play was fresh and lively. It’s very special, so true and so moving. Many people wanted to know who acted the hero in the play, he is even more handsome and did better than Robert.

      After the play was end, I seen the girl was waiting for me with Patimo.

      “I wonder if I could see you in the following days. I would wait for you. You are wonderful! You did it splendid well.” The girl was very glad.

      “It was lucky that you could act to the end, you changed so many lines in the play. I have suspected that they were all surprised.”

      “Yes, I changed it, but does it matter?”

      “You can act in your own way. You did it quite well.”

      “I haven’t introduce myself, I am Elizabath. The play is so true and so moving. I like it very much. Next time, if you act in the play, I’m sure I’ll come to see it.”

      “Next time? I don’t think there will be next time.”

      The next day, when I was having my breakfast in the hotel hall, there was a man went to send a massage that their boss Roy Hardy wanted to see me. But I don’t know any Hardy in London. I have nothing to do that day, so I went to see him, just for funs.

      The Wagon took me back to the theatre I went last night. Their boss was waiting for me in his office.

      “You can call me Roy.” The man said. “I saw the play yesterday, you did well, young man. You are perfect for the role Philix in the play, you have the nature air of tragedy and leader. So I want you take the place of Robert. You know he is a famous star now, he want more and more money. To say the truth, you did much better than Robert, I think after some practice, you would won more successful than him.”

      “But I had never think of being a actor. The success is no meaning to me.”
      “You could think about it, could you?”

      “Perhaps. Say after all I have no plan what I will do in the following days.”
      “Thank you.”

      I saw a massage on the desk in my room in the hotel; I wonder why so many people know me in London. Just before last night I thought no one know me and I know no one in the other hand.

      “Do you remember the girl you see in the theatre? You had left the address of the hotel you stay to me. After thinking for a whole night I decide to come to see you. I have waited in your room for more than two hours, but you didn’t come out.

      Would you like to see me tonight?
      I will wait for you in the Victoria Square at 9:00 pm.
      June 25 Sunday”

      “Do you think I would go to see her tonight?”
      “As your friend, I am glad to see you fall in love for another time.”
      “Love for another time! What do you think about? Me and the girl, it couldn’t be.”

      “Can’t you see the girl is interested in you?”
      “Perhaps, but I don’t think it polite to like a lady wait for long.”
      “Good luck with you.”

      In the Victoria Square, there were not many people. In a cold winter night like this, people would prefer to stay home sitting by the side of fireplace.
      I find the girl in the gray cape. It’s Elizabeth. In fact, she is a fairly pretty girl; Nice, beautiful, elegant and graceful. In her innocent eyes, there is something like burning fire, made her face looked very lively.

      “It’s so good that you come to meet me, I had thought, you won’t come.” Elizabeth said, “It is so cold, would you like to have a cup of coffee? I know a café nearby.”
      “Why not? It’s nice.”

      It was really nice place, small but very nice; especially good for lovers. A dusky candle on the table made it dreamlike in the dark night. Elizabeth was very dedicate in the lights of candle, with the gentle smile on her face, she seemed very glad. Her eyes were shining like the brightest star in the night.

      “Why are you from? You are not English, aren’t you?”
      “No, I come from France.”
      “France? Perfect. I think there will be no man could be so graceful in England as you.”
      “Thank you, but you can’t say like that in London.”
      “Really?” Elizabeth laughed.
      She’s really a very special girl.
      “Waiter, I want more candy.” She said, “don’t you think the candy here are all very nice? Do you want to have more?”
      “No, I had enough, have so much candy, don’t you afraid of getting fat?”

      I try my best to say it Tactfully. Girls nowadays are all afraid of getting fat; they keep fit as they can. Infect, some thinnest women are regarded as beauties, even I think them as skinny as a stick.

      “Getting fat? It never remand to me, I never got fat.” She said with the very proud expression. “I am always so slim.”

      We have bought a new ship; the ship is bigger and nicer. We are used to the life sailing in the sea. Sometimes we fish on the sea, it provide our foods for many days.

      “You have shut your heart, why?” Patimo said. “That must be the reason you left Britain.”
      “I don’t want to hurt her, all I can bring to them is pain.”

      The sky-high flower I had never thought I could pick, appear in from me. So elegant and so graceful. I’m a man with no love, like a scab, scab to all people who care me. How I could take your zealous love.

      I went to Vienna; I wanted to enjoy some music. Vienna had the best musician and the best music. I would buy a violin, a harp and a piano. We would transport them to the port and ship them there.

      It was so lucky that I met my old friend Roy Hardy there, in the street of Vienna. He invited me to the solon of his friend, and introduce me to his friends.

      “I’m searching for you everywhere, it’s so lucky that I could meet you here.”
      “Searching for me? Why?”

      “You are a gifted actor, our theatre is very famous now in the Europe. I want you to join us.”
      “I’m not a actor.”

      “You must be joking, you did so well in the play in London.”
      “That’s was the first time I act in a play.”

      “Really? That’s astonishing. You must join us. Your gifted talent won’t be wasted.”

      “But I don’t want to be actor.”

      “What a pity! You could think of it for a moment, and I will wait for your anwser. I won’t return to lodon by the end of this month.”

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