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5、第 5 章 ...

  •   She was really pretty in the moonlight,

      Alex thought. Like a fairy, she was the fancy in his dream.

      He was Fascinated. As if it was in the dream, he was lead by a special impulse, the desire. The glamour on her was like the magnetic force to pull the distance between them nearer and nearer.

      What a miracle, he could make her tremble just by seeing her directly. She had never experienced this.

      He touched her with his quivering fingers, wherever it went, it lit a flame and make her could not breathe. She felt the unknown flame was burning her sense. She could not hold and could just quiver like the leaves in the autumn wind.

      He took her tightly into her arms, stick onto his warm strong chest, and feel her softness. He wanted to swallow her down.

      He held her so tight as if want to pressed her into her bone. She felt she could not bear.

      He kissed her hotly, sucked juice from her mouth, gnaw at her lips, and felt her skin with his restless fingers. Her softness seemed so fragile under his power.

      She was like a rabbit in the hunter’s hands. She could do nothing, and just obey. She bears his power quietly.

      They were just doing the thing they want the most, to satisfy each other and make themselves satisfy.

      Ansia heard the groan from his throat and sounds of her clothes tore into pieces. She could feel her bared hot wet strong muscle.

      No! It’s a sin! She could not let it go. She pushed him with all her strength to struggle against away from him.

      But he was so strong and so powerful, she couldn’t break away from him. He was still seeking on her body hotly to get what he wants.

      “You couldn’t! Your Majesty.” she breathed heavily.
      “Call me Alex, my sweetness.”

      He didn’t let her go, but he stopped moving. She could heard his heart beat heavily and the sound of his heavy breath.

      The thing was out of hold.

      The remained silent for a few minutes, she just leaned on him weakly, as fragile as a broken doll.

      “It’s too late, Your Majesty need to have a rest, and there are many affairs waiting for you tomorrow morning.”

      “Well, you should have a rest too. I would see you tomorrow night.” And by then I would let you go. He thought.

      She dropped her head down, dare not to see him.
      There won’t be any tomorrow between us! She thought.

      It was a sleepless night for Ansia. She slipped back home by the midnight. She turned up and down, could not fall asleep, till the morning.
      She thought much the following days.

      The relationship between His Majesty and her would never be simple from that night.

      She submitted had missed him very much.

      Though she didn’t know what the mystery is, she knew it’s the mystery between men and women. When she thought of him, she would be flushed.
      How could she have illusion about His Majesty?

      She knew there was no hope between them, between she and His Majesty. According to the Holy Law, to keep the purity of King’s blood, the Queen must be one of the king’ sister-the most beautiful sister of the king. She held no hope; she had never wanted to be a queen, she just want to be the wife of her lover.

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