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4、第 4 章 ...

  •   “Today you are confined, not allowed to go anywhere, think it out in your own room.”

      She did mind to be confined but he got into the puzzle that have His Majesty always in her head. She could help to think about him.

      He is so young and so handsome, but the mystery of his appeal to her was still unknown. She was not the kind of girl who idolized in wealth and power, and she was not so superficial to fall in love with a man just because of his good looking.

      Few days passed she still puzzled, her parents did not blame again, but she felt she lost passion to do things. Something she loved very much, like the poem, she felt bored with them.

      She didn’t know why she was like this, she just know she must do something for a change, she would be bored to stay like this, but what did she lack.

      Hoyt had seen the change in his younger sister, she didn’t like this before, she was always a lively girl, but she remained silent recently from the night of her mystically abscondence. He wanted to know where she had gone and what had happened to her. She was abnormal.

      “Are you OK?”

      “ I am better, thank you” she felt her elder brother always pay excessive attention on her. He is the son of her father and her stepmother, who died before her mother married her father. He needn\'t be so keen to her, but he showed extraordinary passion on her, take care of her more than her second brother who had one mother with her. Perhaps she would not think so much.

      “ Where have you been that night?” Hoyt asked.

      “ That night?”

      “ Will you tell me you don\'t know what I mentioned? Of cause you know! The night you don’t return home, you should not forget.”

      His tongue turned acid, which made she felt surprise, why he was so mind her absence.

      But as he had mention that night, she recall the night with His Majesty, it made her cheeks turned red. And she had known why she got so weak those days.

      Her silence and her flushed face confirmed his suspicion. Hoyt got annoyed. Turned back, he went straightly, said nothing.

      Ansia was moony for a long time; perhaps, she could go to the Palace again. Then she could find what she really wants.

      Arranged one of her maid dress as her, and slept in her bed, she slipped out with the dress of her servant.

      It was in the deep night when she finally got into the garden of the palace. She went there along the old way of the last time, climbed onto the tree and jumped into the courtyard. She went along according to his memory,

      She met the one she did not think she would meet in such a time in the garden.

      “Why have been, I had waited for you for a long time.” A faint unhappy expression appeared on his face.

      “Your Majesty, I know I am wrong, I ought not to slip out the palace, please give your punishment on me.” Since she has been dig out, it’s no use to conceal.

      “ Slip out! How could you?” he was annoyed.

      She dropped down her head, dare not to see him, If he find she did not slip out, but slip in, he would be angrier, perhaps he would cut down her head.

      “You are waiting for me? For what?” she tried to disperse his attention.

      “I want you to be my exclusive maid for my attendance.”

      “Your exclusive maid! Your Majesty, you shouldn’t mean it.”

      “Of course I do.”

      “But I don’t know how I can do.”

      “I will assign someone to teach you.”

      What would she do, nothing! He seemed to be determined. She could slip out, and he won’t find her again. It must be the only solution.

      “You must guarantee you will never slip out.” As if knowing what in her head, he ordered.

      Of course I will, thought Ansia.

      “I won’t,” she said.

      Silence was last between them.

      Stayed with him in the soundless garden, without anyone by the side, she felt embarrassed. In the illusive moonlight, he fixed his eye on her face in such a way that made her enchanted.

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