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  •   I wanna translate your stories into Chinese,is that OK?
      2008-11-29 09:13 am UTC (链接)
      i as well as many friends go in for the play. and i really appreciate your story.May i introduce this one and the former " Closet theorem" to those who don't read English? i promise i won't make any money ,just for fun.
      look forwad to your reply

      Re: I wanna translate your stories into Chinese,is that OK?
      2008-11-29 04:29 pm UTC (链接)
      Sure, as long as you include a link to my journal and credit me as the original author.

      Re: I wanna translate your stories into Chinese,is that OK?
      2008-11-30 02:14 am UTC (链接)
      you are so generous! i'll obey the rules.thanks!

      标签: fandom: the big bang theory, pairing: sheldon/blaine, universe: the humanization conundrum

      The Closet Theorem | Sheldon Cooper/Blaine Summers | PG-13
      Title: The Closet Theorem
      Rating: PG-13
      Fandom: The Big Bang Theory
      Pairing(s): Sheldon/Blaine Summers (the man from the cafeteria in 2x03)
      Word Count: 5,116
      Summary: After realizing Blaine (the man in the cafeteria in 2x03) gave him his number because he was attracted to him, Sheldon devises an experiment to prove, scientifically, that other people find him attractive as well.

      如上所述,此文原作者是Guest Age,

  • 本文当前霸王票全站排行,还差 颗地雷就可以前进一名。[我要投霸王票]
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