Green growth the holly (冬青发出新绿) So doth the ivy (常春藤也披上绿装) Though winter blasts blow never so high (尽管冬风出奇的凛冽) Green growth the holly (冬青发出新绿)
As the holly growth green (冬青发出新绿) And never changes hue (从不改变青翠之色) So Iam, ever has been, (我对心上人) Unto my lady true (同样忠贞永不渝)
As the holly groweth green (冬青发出新绿) With ivy all alone (只有常春藤与之相伴) With flowers cannot be seen (此时百花都已凋谢) And greenwood leaves be gone (树叶也已凋零)
Now unto my lady (我对心上人) Promise to her I make (发出坚贞誓言) From all other only (冷落其他佳丽) To her I me betake (只对她痴心)
Adieu, my owne lady (再见,我的妻子) Adieu, my speciall (再见,我的心上人) Who hath my heart truely (你真正拥有我的心) Be sure,and ever shall (这份情直到永恒)
On Monsieur's Departure (与君离别) ——伊丽莎白一世
I grieve and dare not show my discontent (我悲伤却不敢流露我的失望) I love and yet am forced to seem hate (我爱却不得不装出恨的模样) I do, yet dare not say I ever meant (我做了,却不敢把意愿吐露) I seem stark mute but inwardly do prate (我心中私语,表面却沉默异常) I am and not, I freeze and yet am burned (我忐忐忑忑,冰冷却又火热) Since from myself another self I turned (只因我已离开另一个我)
My care is like my shadow in the sun (我的心事就像阳光下的影子) Follows me flying, flies when pursue it (我逃它就追,我追它又逃走) Stands and lies by me,doth what I have done (总在我身边,做我做的一切) His too familiar care doth make me rue it (时时关心他,让我痛苦忧伤) NO means I find to rid him frm my breast (我没法把他从我心中赶走) Till by the end of things it be suppressed (直到全部了解才能压下)
Some gentler passion slide into my mind (温和的激情进入我的心胸) For I am soft and made of melting snow (我就像溶化时的白雪般温柔) Or be my cruel,love,and so be kind (或者更残酷些,爱人,请发发慈悲) Let me or float or sink,be high or low (让我浮浮沉沉,或高或低) Or let me live with some more sweet content (或者让我带着甜蜜的满足活着) Or die and so forget what love are meant. (或者让我忘掉爱的含义死去) —————————————————————————————————————— 汗~在书上找到的,心道亨利这家伙还满会讨女孩子欢心的~ 只不过他LP的数量实在太惊人,我不知道这首诗究竟是写给谁的。。。 表要Pia飞我啊! 刚才忘了写作者~抱歉哈! Ps:那个伊丽莎白一世就是文里出现的这个~