[Rough Road] Rough road:来自Anne Bronte Because the road is rough and long, Shall we despise the skylark's song? / / [Wings of Hypnos] Hypnos:希腊神话中睡神修普诺斯,身背黑色羽翼,传说当他扇动翅膀的时候人就进入梦境。 / / [Blade and Blood] Like the naked leads the blind, I know I am selfish and I am no kind. ——来自placebo的[Every me and every you],其中我最有爱的一句是Sucker love is heaven sent. / / [Tiramisu] Tiramisu:意大利语,同义于“Pick me up”,中文可翻译为“记住我”和“带我走”。
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. ——来自电影[Blade Runner],很推荐。 “I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the darkness at Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears.. in rain. Time... to die.” / / [Ghost Dance] Ghost dance:鬼舞者。ps玩多了请无视我。
Flowers pick themselves. ——来自于一美国画家的诗 Who knows if the moon's a balloon Coming out of a clean city in the Sky Filled with pretty people And if you and I should get into it If they should take me and take you into their balloon Why then,we'd go up high with all the pretty people and houses And steeples and clouds Go sailing away and away Sailing into a clean city which nobody has ever visited But always it's spring and everyone's in love And flowers pick themselves / / [Betray in May] Why not, a diversion before death. ——来自电影[Trolösa],Ingmar Bergman的片子 / / [Never-never Land] Never never land:Utopia乌托邦。直译就是你这辈子都找不到的地方。
Too fast to live, too young to die. ——来自Winger的[No Man's Land],Vivienne Westwood的店铺1972年那会儿外面就这么写着。 / / [Love Drops] Love drops:多么有名的乙女向18n游戏呐。。。我是说pc版的,ps版的简直太清汤挂面了买来是浪费钱的。回归正题,在诸多翻译版本中我只对那个[遗失的爱]有感觉,话说在不停的你追我逐你挑我选你说iamsorry我读档重来中得到爱的过程才是恋爱游戏的精髓啊啊啊。。。好吧我又跑题了。