...后面还有至少五十年... 抓墙...
*G. K. Chesterton,The Ballad of the White Horse(节选):
His harp was carved and cunning,
His sword prompt and sharp,
And he was gay when he held the sword,
Sad when he held the harp.
For the great Gaels of Ireland
Are the men that God made mad,
For all their wars are merry,
And all their songs are sad.
*盎格鲁-撒克逊:日尔曼系移民Saxon, Anglo, Jutes通称Anglo-Saxon,严格的是说占领挪森比亚的是盎格鲁人,后来通婚通混了,再后来Bede (672/673 – 735)在《英格兰教会史》里带头混,再后来就一直混下去了;
* Oswald Lamnguin:“光明之刃”,“光明之臂”或“燃烧的剑”(司马辽太郎粉冷静);