所有我能脱下来的衣服,都已经盖在了四爷的身上,可他的额头仍旧是滚烫的,身子仍旧在寒风中瑟瑟发抖。四周的石壁,都已被我寻遍了,甚至没有一块凹进去超过一米的地方。想哭想尖叫,想抱着头逃离这黑的不见底的夜色。可低头看见四爷正烧得潮红的脸庞,我的心却一如沾了水的海绵,一下子便被浸润的潮湿而柔软了。看来眼下,他也只剩下我,是他唯一的依靠了。 深深地吸了一口气,总该先想个法子给他取暖才行。火堆肯定是点不着了,山洞也找不到,那还有什么可以御寒的东西?除非…一部电视剧里的情景一闪而过,我的脸一红,两颊的温度迅速攀升。唉,这生死关头,哪顾不得那么多?能不能管用总还是要试一试的。默默的敞开贴身的衬衫,里面绸布的肚兜也褪了下来,伸手把四爷揽到胸前,灵巧的解开一层层的背心、长衫、内衣… 当我把自己贴上他胸膛的那一刻,身子微微一震,仿佛被他灼热的气息烫伤了。定了定神,把脱下来的衣服在他身后一件件的盖好,再用双臂紧紧的箍住,但愿我的怀抱能带给他所有的爱与温暖。 耳畔划过他沉重的呼吸,似还夹杂着几声淡淡的呻吟,所有的委屈、心痛一齐涌上我的心头,化作几句忧伤的歌词,伴着心中的泪水,洒落在无尽的夜色里… “all alone i have started my journey to the darkness of darkness i go with a reason,i stopped for a moment in this world full of pleasure so frail town after town on i travel pass through faces i know and know not like a bird in flight,sometimes i topple time and time again,just farewells donde voy,donde voy day by day,my story unfolds solo estoy,solo estoy all alone as the day i was born till your eyes rest in mine,i shall wander no more darkness i know and know not for your sweetness i traded my freedom not knowing a farewell awaits you know,hearts can be repeatedly broken making room for the harrows to came along with my sorrows i buried my tears,my smiles,your name songs of lovetales i sing of no more once again with my shadows i roam still alone with my shadows i roam” ……