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1、Queen B 归来 ...

  •   “Are u sober yet?” 夜晚的咖啡厅放着舒缓的音乐,邦妮看着眼前颓废无比的卡罗琳无奈地询问道。
      “Keep drinking. I gonna get u home. I gonna get me home.”邦妮在“me”上加强了语气,晚上10点并不是一个很早的时间了,事实上已经过了grandma的宵禁,她可以想象回家后grandma锐利的眼神,她瞥了眼神色糟糕的卡罗琳,考虑着将她一人丢在这里不出事的可能有多少。
      一位金发年轻的女郎轻快地走向无奈的Bonnie,笑容很是灿烂,“Well, Bonnie, it seems to be my time to take care of my little bad girl now.”
      邦妮惊讶地看着面前俏丽的金发女孩,给了个大大的微笑:“OMG, Blair, I though u r still in Memphis! Why don’t u message me that u r back today”
      “Big Surprise!”布莱尔伸出双臂,狠狠地抱了一下邦妮,“U cannot imagine how much I miss u guys! So when I couldn’t find another Bonnie, Elena and Caroline in Memphis, I told myself that it’s the time to back here.”
      “Welcome back.” 邦妮看着儿时最好的朋友,微笑地回答道。
      布莱尔看向趴在桌子上一脸消沉的卡罗琳,皱了皱眉:“What’s happened to her?”
      “I don’t know. She was acting like this after the party. Lovelorn【失恋】? Maybe.” 布莱尔挑了挑眉。
      “How long will you stay here this time?”
      “Before university, I promise.”
      邦妮看了看手表上的时间,焦急地跟布莱尔说:“Blair, I am sorry to say but I need to back home right now. Otherwise u know what my grandma will do.”
      “I see. Curfew still【宵禁依旧】! Say hi to Sheila!”
      “Cya tomorrow, Blair.” 邦妮感激地看了看布莱尔,拿起在座位旁的包,匆匆忙忙地离开了咖啡厅。

      Hey,神秘瀑布镇的各位注意了,ghost girl在这,沉静了一年之后,我将告诉大家自Gilberts’ accident之后最震撼的消息,Someone saw Blair Forbes appears at the Mainline Café.一年前,这个我们所熟知的女孩随着Mr. Forbes高调离开神秘瀑布镇,而如今突然间回来了。此次神秘归来的QUEEN B将会给神秘瀑布镇带来怎样的动荡呢?看来Queen B已经开始兴奋了。邦妮,卡罗琳,还有那位神秘帅气的男子接招吧!
      Who am I? That’s the secret I never tell. U know u love me, xoxo, ghost girl.

      “WHAT R U DOING HERE?!” 卡罗琳昏昏沉沉地从床上爬起来,揉了揉酸红的眼睛,彻夜醉酒后迟钝的大脑在看到坐在床边翻看着自己日记的金发女子后猛然清醒了。
      布莱尔挥了挥手中的日记本,向卡罗琳慵懒一笑:“Clearly reading your diary. Well, do u suppose to say good morning and thank you to your lovely sister after I carried u back last night?”
      “You didn’t have to!”卡罗琳朝布莱尔翻了个白眼,一把抽过她手中的日记本,“After a year, perhaps you forget my rules. Don’t touch my staff, thank you.”
      布莱尔装作惊讶地看着卡罗琳,失望地说道:“Well, I though u will be surprised that I AM BACK.”
      “Certainly not.”卡罗琳垂下眼帘,隐藏着眼中复杂的情感,将日记本收在书架上,“How long will u be spending here this time?”
      “Well, before 18, I need to be with my little sister for your most colorful time of your whole life.”布莱尔伸出双臂打算给卡罗琳一个拥抱,然而卡罗琳避开了她,“Come on, Blair.”
      “What’s up? A friendly hug!”布莱尔拽着不情愿的卡罗琳,给了她一个紧紧的拥抱,“So how are you and mum these days?”
      卡罗琳诧异地望着布莱尔,说道:“R u kidding me? After dad and you ditched us and went with another guy. What do you want to hear? Awesome?”
      “Caroline, Stephen is a good man.”布莱尔无奈地望着卡罗琳解释道。
      卡罗琳讥讽地笑道:“Oh, right! A good man who stole the other people’s husband.”
      “Can we don’t talk about him?” 布莱尔头疼地摆了摆手,不管她和爸爸怎么努力,卡罗琳依旧对Stephen有着极大的偏见。
      卡罗琳板着脸说道:“If u don’t start it, I will be fine. So? Did u tell mum that you r back?”
      “No, I don’t know how to talk to her after…”卡罗琳挑起眉毛,布莱尔吞下后半句话,无辜地耸了耸肩。
      门外Mrs. Forbes愉快的声音传来,“Caroline , I am back with your breakfast!”
      卡罗琳愉悦地看着布莱尔的微笑瞬时僵硬,幸灾乐祸地说道:“Anyway,you have to talk to her right now.”
note 作者有话说
第1章 Queen B 归来

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