床头柜台上放着一本《How to kiss》,居然是粉红色的封面。Sherlock似乎还做了心得笔记,便笺就放在书上:
【“Be aware of how soft he lips are—how much respect and care they should betreated with.(你要意识到他的唇有多柔软——而他又应当被给予多少尊敬和呵护。)”】 【“Allow every move , every hand on the nape of the neck or the small of the back ,to be soft and patient—there is no need to prove aggression ,or assert dominance.(容许颈部和腰背部的每个动作和手的滑过是轻柔的不急躁的——无需显示出攻击性和支配性。)”】
Season Two Episode One — A Scandal in Belgravia
Your pupils dilated.
[2]你给我记住 夏洛克 我是军人 会杀人的
You want to remember, Sherlock, I was a soldier. I killed people.