“你三岁的时候,小小的,充满了恐惧。我都不敢相信我的眼睛,竟然,你和她受到了这样的对待。是我的错,我没有照顾好她,没能完成我对她的诺言。她没有怪我,她死心了……我的错……我明明有机会好好照顾你,却仍然没办法……伊莱莎……伊莱莎……我多想给你一个完美的世界,让你长大,无忧无虑。没想到……才八岁,你就已经这么独立,这么倔强了。四年多,我竟然只能从信件中判断你的生活。我真不是一个好父亲……我多想告诉你,飞吧,我就在你的身后。可现在……在你身后的,竟然不是我,而是……呵呵……某些我今日刚刚见到而你已经交往两年多的朋友。伊莱莎,你会怪我吗?(When you were three,you are so tiny and always had this frighted look. I couldn't belive what my eyes saw, how dare,you and her were being treated like that. It is all my fault, I didn't take a good care of her, I didn't fulfill my promise. She didn't blame me... Her heart no longer feels... My fault... I had a chance to look after you,yet I couldn't. Eliza... Eliza... I wanted to build you a perfect world, let you grow, no worries. But.. eight, eight years old,you are independent, and headstrong. Four years has passed, and I could only learn your wellness from letters. I am not a good father... I've longed to tell you, fly, I am right behind you. Yet... now, the one behingd you looking after your back is not me, it is your friend that... Heh... I just had the acquaintance with today, and you've been friends with them for more than two years. Eliza, will you blame me?)”
伊莱莎刚刚止住的眼泪又再次泛滥,连声说:“不,不,绝不!我不去法国了,我就留在这里,让我留在这里吧!(No, no, never! I won't go to France, I will stay here. Let me stay!)”
布兰顿继续帮伊莱莎擦眼泪,静静地等着伊莱莎哭完后才继续说:“伊莱莎,我说这些不是为了让你留下。我只是想让你明白,只要我能,只要你在,我愿意给你最好的。去寻找你的梦想吧。我曾经最大的梦想,就是娶你的母亲……(Eliza, the reason I told you these is not to force you to stay. I jsut want you to know, as long as I can, as long as you are there, I want to give you the best. Go fulfill your dreams. My biggest dream was, to marryyour mother...)”