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首页>《来自盖亚》  第2章

网友:4058753044% 打分:2 [2011-01-03 18:54:28]

哈哈哈 我又来翻译了 狡猾的选了一些比较简单的 实在是能力有限== 话说那个杜梅杜克不知道怎样翻 所以就用了拼音的大写==
  我茫然地看着他,过了一会儿才猜测他是在用他的语言表述这种生物的名字,于是走到他身边,伸手抚上铜雕,说出了“杜梅杜克”这个词语。  这次轮到众人茫然。  他却似是已有所料,又用手指向自己:“I am Lord Voldemort.”停顿片刻,强调般地重复:“Voldemort.”。
After a moment of thinking, the grey robe man looked at me and made a sustained, hissing sound. I heard, and I thought it is similar to the DUMEIDUKE language. I felt a little excitement and pointed to the bronze sculpture in the corner of the hall. The sculpture is almost identical with the DUMEIDUKE. The man looked my hand and saw the sculpture, and then a little surprise was passed by his eyes. At this time, the rest people in the hall looked at me surprisingly, meanwhile, they seemed very excited.
The man continued to say this language to me, but I could not speculate more about it, so I just shook my head. The man stopped saying this language, at a moment I saw his expression was mixed satisfaction and disappointment. Then he stood up and moved towards to the sculpture, he used his finger to knock it, and turned around, said: “Snake.”
I looked at him blankly, after a while I guessed that he was using his language to express the name of this creature. So I walked towards him and touched the sculpture, said: “DUMEIDUKE.” All of them looked blankly this time. However, the man seemed that he had already known and pointed to himself: “I am Lord Voldermort.” After a while, he repeated it with emphasizing: “Voldermort.”


[2楼] 网友:405875304 [2011-01-05 13:10:00]

哇哇哇~~~我也超高兴有人指出我的错误的~~因为即使英语学了那么多年 还是用的不好~~== 很开心有人指出我的错误啊 因为很多词就是不知道怎样用~而且莫名其妙语法差的要死~~~冒昧的想问下可以加个联系方式啥的么?


[3楼] 网友: [2011-01-10 13:44:05]

eh sure. i mainly use msn tho. i do have a q/q but i rarely use it...
kiwi_keely @ hot mail . com
(take away the spaces)


[4楼] 作者回复 [2011-01-13 20:23:42]



[5楼] 网友:where she belongs [2011-08-18 18:05:53]

many miskets of grammar, not of spelling =v=


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