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首页>《生意人》  第1章

网友:yue 打分:2 [2011-05-01 06:40:52]

I like your artical


[1楼] 网友:KY [2011-06-28 13:26:56]

hey,store or writing is better....ex:I like your writings~~~~
article usually has a specific topic and nonfiction la~~~ >____<


[2楼] 网友:英语不是你想现想现就能现 [2011-06-28 21:34:55]

i don`t want to say any thing about this two man ……
english is not the thing you want to show and then you can show……


[3楼] 网友:so what [2011-06-28 22:41:14]

that's fine. No one regulate we have to speak and write right English sentences. To make
mistakes is also an altitude.........


[4楼] 网友:无语中 [2011-06-29 09:10:16]

以上在用英语吵架 疯了 你们能用中文么


[5楼] 网友:汐止 [2011-07-01 08:01:43]

ha ha ha , tai hao xiao le


[6楼] 网友:七七 [2011-07-01 17:02:01]

笑抽了不解释啊,笑点太多= =


[7楼] 网友:猫猫 [2011-07-02 21:05:42]



[8楼] 网友:零点 [2011-07-03 08:33:39]



[9楼] 网友:迷惘中 [2011-07-15 15:27:31]



[10楼] 网友:ADAM [2011-07-16 12:06:41]



[11楼] 网友:m7854k12 [2011-08-11 18:31:47]

XD 第一次看到用英文吵


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