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网友:白芷兰 打分:2 [2022-09-11 17:32:19] 来自加拿大



[1楼] 网友:白芷兰 [2022-09-11 17:37:06] 来自加拿大

The breed is also not recognized by the Cat Fanciers' Association. The Australian Capital Territory (a territory of Australia) government consider the munchkin breed to be "malformed animals" and the deliberate breeding of them "unacceptable" because of the "genetic health problems associated with such breeding".
https://en.m.wikipedia.org ? wiki
Munchkin cat - Wikipedia

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[2楼] 网友:白芷兰 [2022-09-11 17:55:11] 来自加拿大

It is not fully known how the mutation impacts the health of the breed. Having only been officially introduced in 1991, the breed is still considered young.【21】 There were early speculations that the Munchkin would develop spinal problems commonly seen in short-legged dog breeds; however, in 1995 several breeders had their oldest Munchkins X-rayed and examined for signs of joint or bone problems and found none.【22】【23】【24】
The genetic mutation causing the short-legged trait in Munchkins is referred to as achondroplasia,【15】【25】 the genetic disorder that results in dwarfism and is typically associated with an enlarged head as well as short legs but can also involve symptoms that include undersized jaw, thick-looking joints, curved spine, and a bow-legged or knock knee posture.【26】 The condition has sometimes been referred to as hypochondroplasia or pseudoachondroplasia.【27】【28】
However, there appear to be two conditions with increased incidence in the Munchkin breed: lordosis (excessive curvature of the spine)【29】 and pectus excavatum (hollowed chest).【30】【31】 Both conditions are commonly seen in humans with pseudoachondroplasia.【27】
Munchkin cats are known to be at a higher risk (than other feline breeds) for severe osteoarthritis because the shorter limbs affect their activity levels and behavior.【2】【32】 Diagnosis of osteoarthritis and the assessment of its severity for a cat may require radiography.【2】
Many pedigree cat associations around the world have refused to recognize the Munchkin cat due to the welfare of the breed and severity of the health issues.【2】

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[3楼] 网友:路人甲 [2022-09-23 00:04:17] 来自上海


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[4楼] 网友:61972796 [2022-11-06 21:10:11] 来自黑龙江


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[5楼] 网友:打分:-2 [2022-11-15 15:00:12] 来自河南


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[7楼] 网友:云空未必然 [2023-01-17 17:49:48] 来自湖北

目前还不完全清楚这种突变是如何影响该品种的健康的。1991年才正式引进,这个品种仍然被认为是年轻的早期曾有人推测,芒奇金人会出现短腿狗常见的脊椎问题;然而,1995年,几位饲养者给他们最老的芒奇金狗拍了x光,检查了关节或骨骼问题的迹象,没有发现任何问题,导致芒奇金人短腿特征的基因突变被称为软骨发育不全症,【15】【25】遗传疾病导致dwarfi C

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[8楼] 网友:汨罗道 [2023-02-16 10:22:01] 来自湖北


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[9楼] 网友:封心不再爱 [2023-08-31 00:33:01] 来自浙江



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