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首页>《安吾不干了》  第8章

网友:对不起我不是故意发英文的!95% 打分:2 [2022-04-26 20:20:25]



[1楼] 网友:Unknown [2022-04-26 20:21:16]

The three of them shouldn\'t be friends and spending time together, but there\'s something to it, something that fits, something it would be stupid to run from.
Ride the good until it burns out, til it dries up on it\'s own. You don\'t run from water in the desert, you don\'t run from food in a famine.
(Because it’s okay. It’s okay to have a few purely selfish, good things. Maybe the well runs dry, maybe it doesn’t;there’s no point abandoning it or poisoning it on purpose.)
This is your water in the drought, the feast offered during famine.
(It\'s good, and I was allowed, for a little while at least, to just have that good thing.)
It’s okay to enjoy a drink during a drought.

32   [投诉]

[2楼] 网友:Unknown [2022-04-26 20:25:27]


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[3楼] 网友:Unknown [2022-05-09 23:22:29]


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