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网友:tanya 打分:0 [2005-11-30 08:48:00]
oh my god..... 怎么中国现在爷爷也鼓励自己的孙子喜欢同性的么?好开放哦。。。。。dear me... who can tell me what's going on here.... dont really understand why so many people wirte (or enjoy) homosexual and nobody asks or wonders why ....
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网友:tanya 打分:0 [2005-11-30 08:48:00]
oh my god..... 怎么中国现在爷爷也鼓励自己的孙子喜欢同性的么?好开放哦。。。。。
dear me... who can tell me what's going on here.... dont really understand why so many people wirte (or enjoy) homosexual and nobody asks or wonders why ....