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首页>《我是教授》  第21章

网友:Ice 打分:2 [2009-06-09 08:25:22]

I know, isn't it just soooo great?
I loved this fanfic, but too bad it's in VIP now :(
Since i'm too cheap to pay for the chapters... I guess i'll have to give it up...
but seriously, really intriging and interesting story...KEEP WRITING!!!
№1 网友:molly 评论: 《HP同人——我是教授》 打分:0 发表时间:2009-06-09 03:56:52 所评章节:21
great, its very funny. I love it, keep writing, I will give you my mental and moral support from across the ocean. 作者回复:


[1楼] 网友:为什么我的留言每次都消失不见呢 [2010-04-19 11:40:42]

too cheap to pay.....i would love to pay if i can find a easy and safe way to pay from across the ocean
guess this is it....fun story though.


[2楼] 网友:qwter2010 [2010-07-14 16:03:17]



[3楼] 网友:小人物 [2010-08-18 22:38:32]



[4楼] 网友:793328302 [2010-08-28 20:42:47]



[5楼] 网友:萧阮 [2010-08-29 09:04:29]



[6楼] 网友:lala [2011-01-02 06:14:13]



[7楼] 网友:gbj [2011-01-02 21:55:19]



[8楼] 网友:Katie [2011-01-08 03:09:04]

Use Paypal, that is what i am using right now.
Easy to apply and use as long as you have a credit or debit card.


[9楼] 网友:功德无量,万受无疆 [2011-01-10 02:14:35]



[10楼] 网友:killuasky [2011-01-28 12:31:30]

hey, what do you guys mean a easy and safe way to pay abroad? i have figured it out yet~!i was wondering if i can pay via paypal, seems like it doesn't work at all. do you guys pay though the online banking thing?
i really love this one, actually i love all of her work..


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