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首页>《拜金女的腹黑恋》  第17章

网友:兔子 打分:2 [2009-01-02 20:48:34]

Ancient woman, very few talented. And at the end of the text of the bread winners while women give a very淡定and rational feeling. Unfortunately, those who encounter love IQ will drop. Cloud at the end of very smart and know how to judge things, know how to distinguish between true and false. The face of the man's love, the heart was about. Perhaps this is the woman's common now.
What is not an old saying: to friends who died, women who Yuet Yung others.
A woman's heart is very small, when the crush will fear the hands and feet.
Cloud信佛love at the end of Buddhist scriptures, this is self-cultivation. Perhaps because of this reason will be the formation of such other person stop loving temperament.
See the clouds at the end to see that the so-called possession of Taoyuan beauty, the woman's nature will be shown. At this time, he is very cute. With the suspicion that some shrew, but I think there is a great personality. In ancient times, this woman is very rare.
Cloud at the end of naughty, it can be said very lovely.
She seems to desire small, just want a good living, right?
The above remarks are his own makeshift rabbit, at the end of a very large text is not hard to see, I am sorry. I saw at the end of major group would like to re-think of a commentary in English does not seem good for the end of a big score too, so on a whim over the translation.
Rabbit is very boring now, huh, huh作者回复:



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