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首页>《网游之傻人有傻福》  第3章

网友:s2% 打分:2 [2011-08-20 13:44:54]

Online Game—Blessed Are the Fools
1. Chaos Online Set Up
2. Leave blank
Volume I Newbie Thirty Days
3. Chapter 1—Side Effects Left From Single Player Mode Games
“Welcome to《Chaos》, please create your character.” The system’s voice sound as dull as ever.
“Ah? It is really different from single player mode games! In single player mode games it’s always choose the characters, while in online games we create our characters!” He has a two Chinese character last name Wen Ren and a single syllabus first name Kai, and is therefore called Wen Ren Kai (WRK). He has heard that this 【Chaos】 has already spread its popularity across three galaxies, and at the same time the online players have reached twenty billion. But if his buddy has not gifted him a helmet, there is no way that he would play this game; the primary reason is the expense! For a helmet that simulates situation up to 80% requires 5000 credit points, which are his salary for half a year! Not to mention game cabin that simulates to 98%.
WRK was born in a little faraway planet in a forsaken star cluster, but he had bad luck—soon after he was born this little planet was given up by the government, forcing WRK to have to start working in order to survive before he comes of age. But on a positive note, after three years of hard labor, he has finally provided enough to allow his parents to leave this little planet and go to a larger rocky star. Just one more year of work, he would be able to save up enough credits to leave this place and join his parents.
WRK’s job is mostly janitorial; however, he is no ordinary janitor, but is a universe cleanser, who cleans junks off the civilian space travel paths. WRK gives himself an impressive name, Space Custodian.
At first, he has no time or □ to play this 【Chaos】, but recently it seems that the space travel path is being diverted to a different path. In any case the janitors are idled and their jobs are suspended until three months later. At this moment it so happens that his friend bought a game cabin and gifted him a second handed game helmet, and thus our big friend WRK gets to enter this online game.
However, hardworking WRK has never played online games before; he had always been playing single player games and this can be considered his first time playing online games, so he is curious about everything.
WRK tweaks over here and there, at last making the character completely different from himself, that even if his own parent come they probably won’t be able to identify this person as their son.
“All good!” WRK looks at this little person that he thinks is handsome and exclaims.
“Please name the character.” The system voice sounds again.
“Ha? We have to name ourselves in online games?” WRK wonders, and is forced to try hard to think up an alias for himself.
“Happy Fool.”(***the original is Happy for no reason , and the Chinese for happy includes the character for Kai.***)
“Other people are using the same name, are you sure?” Duh with 20 billion people online there’s gotta be people using the same name.
WRK does not hesitate to choose confirm.
“YLXH7181545 Happy Fool confirms login.” And with the system voice begins Happy Fool’s adventure in 【Chaos】. (YL: forsaken star cluster; XH: star ocean system; 7181545: personal identification number. This is unique, so it doesn’t matter if other people have the same name. When trading or when the system gives public announcement the person specific identification number will be included to prevent the case of duplicate names.)
A white light flashes through, and Happy Fool lands on an ancient trail path. Little grass grows through the bluestones floor, several puffs of white clouds lay lazily on the azure blue sky, and occasionally some white birds fly above his head.
“This place is beautiful!” Happy Fool tilts over his head to see the blue sky that he has never seen before, and spring water flows across in his heart. Then he lowers his head to see where he is. This should be a little village: the village path is lined with some short cottages, and in front of some of the houses are a sign, apparently the stores. Happy Fool sighs, “As expected of online games! So few people!”
The single player games that Happy Fool plays in are full of NPCs, while of course now in the online game the NPC are much fewer. 【Chaos】 has been going on for two months and there should have been many people in the newbie villages, however, every newbie is transported to a random place, and according to the official web less than 30% of the entire 【Chaos】 map has been explored, which means that in any time anyone could be transported to unopened territory. This is what happened to Happy Fool right now.
But apparently he himself does not know this, and thought that all online games are like this! Since he has only played single player game before!
“It seems like I should do the missions first!” Happy Fool thinks for awhile, and he sees an old man with white beard that flows in the wind, with big lettering “Chief” written over his body. He is using a little watering can to water the flowers.
Happy Fool crouches down facing the Chief, staring without blinking at the latter’s motion.
In the Chief’s mind thoughts are twirling around in loops and twirls: Finally someone comes, but why is he not asking anything! How long is he going to stare? He’s not tired, but I am!
After about half an hour has passed, Happy Fool finally speaks up. “Uncle, what are you doing?”
For an instant the Chief has an urge to smash the watering can on Happy Fool’s head, after watching me all these whiles he’s asking what I am doing? Wait, the system has not set up responses to this type of questions, I need to ask first.
After awhile, the Chief finally smiles “benevolently” at Happy Fool and answers, “I am watering the flowers.”
Happy Fool rolls over his eyes. “You think I am an idiot? Of course anyone can see that you are watering the plants.”
The Chief feels bullied. Why do you ask if you already know, in order to answer your four words the CPU purposefully underwent calculation, and who knows how much energy has been wasted.
“What I want to say is, you are watering this flower for more than half an hour, without worrying that you would drown it!” Happy fool cannot comprehend that how can anyone be this dumb, no wonder there are so few people in this village, it’s probably because this player is too dumb!
Our friend Happy Fool probably misunderstands. He has heard that online games are primarily the player’s world; he thought all the humanoids here are players, and so his misunderstanding should have been forgiven.


[1楼] 网友:马桶君 [2011-08-23 17:25:18]



[2楼] 网友:lfsummy [2011-08-30 19:45:14]



[3楼] 网友:夜猫子 [2011-09-25 22:44:16]



[4楼] 网友: [2011-10-02 17:18:28]



[5楼] 网友:放烟火 [2011-10-04 12:01:19]



[6楼] 网友:…… [2011-10-06 18:59:53]

What is this?


[7楼] 网友:... [2011-10-08 09:52:17]

lol what are you translating this for?
plus, it's gonna be really dull if you translate it directly. you should rephrase your sentences!


[8楼] 网友:123 [2011-10-10 19:06:57]



[9楼] 网友:…… [2011-10-12 03:13:57]

In single player mode games it’s always choose the characters(单机游戏都是请选择人物)


[11楼] 网友:s [2011-10-24 08:56:17]

Personally I have already grew over this type of novels...
But my little sister's into RPG game novels due to Yu Wo's 1/2 Prince.


[12楼] 网友:玄水 [2013-08-29 08:27:20]

膜拜啊 我小学开始英语就没有及格过

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