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首页>《长夜之光(弱强/美强/病弱攻)》  第8章

网友:PhamNhaDoan 打分:2 [2018-10-31 18:35:06]

thankyouu daidai for the new chapter, so beautiful


[1楼] 作者回复 [2018-10-31 19:40:45]

thank you for reading. you are so cute! (although I'm a little worried that translator software can't understand the word, I'm still very happy^_^~~~hahahaha!)


[2楼] 网友:PhamNhaDoan [2018-10-31 20:33:49]

oh daidai I wrote a long comment but it seems JJ swallow some of my sentences...


[3楼] 网友:PhamNhaDoan [2018-10-31 20:37:48]

I wrote that I love so much how you write about the beautiful ocean scenery, very romantic... And 夏生 got sick and being feed by 周衍, so cute :\">, the bottom really knows how to take good care of his top and that\'s great, thankyou for replying me, and thankyou again for writing such pretty chapter *hug hug*


[4楼] 网友:0228 [2018-11-03 08:59:53]


2   [投诉]

[5楼] 网友:PhamNhaDoan [2018-11-03 18:59:59]

哈哈哈 从现在开始,我会尝试用翻译工具说中文, I use google translate now


[6楼] 网友:小蝉 [2020-02-17 18:48:15]



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