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首页>《有关一条蛇的扭曲爱情论》  第74章

网友: 打分:2 [2009-01-08 07:42:42]

seven?! are u sure thats enough?! i need around 9 - 11 hours of sleep during school time, and nobody can ever get me out of bed on holidays until i have enjoyed 12 hours of undisturbed rest.....
finally the breakup (forgive me for using that word, after all they never dated = =) so gene its finally your turn!!!
although to be honest telling a guy friend who fancies you that you never liked him at a time where you decided to accept another guy isnt really the best thing ever...lily is sort of selfish, but i guess we can't blame her for it...everybody has a selfish side hidden in them.......作者回复:
I know I have too few sleeping, but there never leave enough time to me.

PS: I think Lily's decision is most of us would prefer if we met the same condition...


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