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首页>《莲********)》  第19章

网友:□□ 打分:2 [2005-06-12 21:32:30]

don't worry. Huanhuan, the eyes of the public are bright! Don't forget, we are here to support you:). It is true that the respondsibility of a novel author is to improve the quaulity of a nove based on the comments from readers, which are also acceptable to you. But you don't need to please the readers becausd of the same reason. I know it is hurt to see such readers but, you know, that is the life. Come here, I will give you a big and warm hug to comfort you. Xixi!!!!
BTW, it is 8:20am in the Sunday morning now. Sunday morning A!!!!I am so sleepy and still have to get up early. I visited and slept over one of my friend's house which is 40 miles away yesterday. Unfortunately, I am kind of bed-recognized person. Normally, it will take me 1 week to adjust myself to a new bed. = = So, you see, I just couldn't sleep well at all. But, this is also good, right? Since I can leave you a message to encourage you a little early, and hopefully you can read them before you go to bed. Well, I assume my message can make you feel better and then lead you a good (sexy??) dream tonight. You are a smart and strong girl. I have confidence on you for going through such situation without any problem at all. Kisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss....


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