这个补充设定可以在哪里找到?我查了wiki,阿兹卡班的词条下只是说魔法部想要在远离人群的海岛上建一所监狱,然后在1718年,当选的魔法部长出于省钱、省力和减少麻烦的目的,选择了摄魂怪所在的岛屿。原文:Because of the impracticality of using small wizarding prisons which could result in bangs, smells and light shows, should victims escape, plans for a purpose-built prison for wizards on some remote Hebridean island were made. However, when Damocles Rowle was elected Minister for Magic in 1718, he insisted on using Azkaban instead, seeing the Dementors as an advantage because using them as guards would save expense, time and trouble. This plan was eventually put into motion and despite protests, Azkaban remained the prison of the wizarding world, mostly because of the complete lack of breakouts and breaches of security. 这里并没有说魔法部害怕摄魂怪从岛上跑出来,因为那个岛在15世纪的黑巫师Ekrizdis死后,就已经住着摄魂怪,魔法部没敢摧毁黑巫师的要塞,就没管那个岛,直到设立国际巫师保密法(1692年),为了避免被麻瓜发现,才有了在海岛上建立巫师监狱的计划(原文:Authorities considered destroying the fortress, but decided against it in fear of the possible revenge of the Dementors or the island itself. Thereafter the island was left alone for years, before the establishment of the International Statute of Secrecy.)。也就是说在二百来年里,魔法部并不担心摄魂怪渡海跑出来,自然也无需把人当作牺牲品。
网友:xiaoweisan 打分:2 [2016-08-25 07:42:08]
[1楼] 作者回复 [2016-08-25 16:44:10]
[2楼] 网友:xiaoweisan [2016-08-25 21:01:47]
[3楼] 网友:sherry [2016-08-26 16:11:26]
[4楼] 网友:xiaoweisan [2016-08-26 21:10:06]
这个补充设定可以在哪里找到?我查了wiki,阿兹卡班的词条下只是说魔法部想要在远离人群的海岛上建一所监狱,然后在1718年,当选的魔法部长出于省钱、省力和减少麻烦的目的,选择了摄魂怪所在的岛屿。原文:Because of the impracticality of using small wizarding prisons which could result in bangs, smells and light shows, should victims escape, plans for a purpose-built prison for wizards on some remote Hebridean island were made. However, when Damocles Rowle was elected Minister for Magic in 1718, he insisted on using Azkaban instead, seeing the Dementors as an advantage because using them as guards would save expense, time and trouble. This plan was eventually put into motion and despite protests, Azkaban remained the prison of the wizarding world, mostly because of the complete lack of breakouts and breaches of security.
这里并没有说魔法部害怕摄魂怪从岛上跑出来,因为那个岛在15世纪的黑巫师Ekrizdis死后,就已经住着摄魂怪,魔法部没敢摧毁黑巫师的要塞,就没管那个岛,直到设立国际巫师保密法(1692年),为了避免被麻瓜发现,才有了在海岛上建立巫师监狱的计划(原文:Authorities considered destroying the fortress, but decided against it in fear of the possible revenge of the Dementors or the island itself. Thereafter the island was left alone for years, before the establishment of the International Statute of Secrecy.)。也就是说在二百来年里,魔法部并不担心摄魂怪渡海跑出来,自然也无需把人当作牺牲品。