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网友:Karen 打分:0 [2008-02-16 09:45:21]
Dear author, thank so much for your reply! I think I understand what you are going with the story now but I like Doctor Chi !! I think he is so cool. 作者回复:那我用中文回答你,可以吗。。。。。。你说的doctor Chi是指齐吧?难得哦,有人喜欢他。。。其实我也蛮喜欢他的,霸道嘛。。。。。。
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网友:Karen 打分:0 [2008-02-16 09:45:21]
Dear author, thank so much for your reply! I think I understand what you are going with the story now but I like Doctor Chi !! I think he is so cool. 作者回复:
那我用中文回答你,可以吗。。。。。。你说的doctor Chi是指齐吧?难得哦,有人喜欢他。。。其实我也蛮喜欢他的,霸道嘛。。。。。。