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首页>《粮食大亨[三国]》  第17章

网友:小乔 打分:2 [2018-06-16 21:55:50]

The carriage returned and rushed for about one thousand meters without finding a crossroad. Lv said "It is too late."
Guo could also hear some sound of shaking and thought it was really too late.
"Baliang, stop!"
Now that they were out of Xia, he had absolute confidence to be safe.
Twentysix riders come to their horizon quickly and looked sharp and strong.
They intended to devided into several groups at first until they found the fresh track of a carriage, so they followed it immediately. Their aim was Xia and the command they received was to kill all the people on the way, because their army was coming secretly in the night.


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