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首页>《当********人》  第55章

网友:cherry 打分:2 [2008-01-10 18:36:08]

thank you for bobo's lovely story, i enjoy reaing it so much as it always make me happy
it's definately a good new to know that bobo is not going to join the vip system
the story is in fact , deserve the payment, but it is hard for the readers who are not in china to pay for that. thanks for your gentle and considerate decision. support U~
(i have tried to submit my comment in complex chinese character for lots of time, but the jj seem only accept simple character.so sorry that i have to try to type it in english..)作者回复:
It should be OK, many people left the message to me used Complex Chinese. En, wired. Anyway, thank you for supporing~~!


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