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首页>《当********人》  第55章

网友:lackadaisicalme 打分:2 [2008-01-09 19:42:56]

1. I am a high school student. 2. I don't have a credit card and I cannot ask my parents for theirs'. 3. I can't type in Chinese (don't have the software) and my written Chinese sucks anyways. 4. I'm staying in Shanghai at the moment but I'm going to America (Cambridge, Boston!!) for college soon. How on earth can I pay then? If you don't mind, I can leave comments in English. Now, although school is pressing and I just chanced upon JJWXC, I will be happy to go the extra mile to leave comments in exchange for being able to finish your story.
Awesome story, by the way! Ridiculously hilarious. 作者回复:


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