Sorry for using English to write comment, as I dont know how to type chinese. This is the best story I recently read. There are hints embedded in the story but every details is well explained. I am surprised about the talent of the writer. I am looking forwards for the new story. By the way, how about the roses the birdy planted, I really want to know the reaction of 老板 when she receive the gift...作者回复: 慢慢来,面包会有滴,可乐也素会有滴
网友: 打分:0 [2008-04-01 07:12:06]
Sorry for using English to write comment, as I dont know how to type chinese. This is the best story I recently read. There are hints embedded in the story but every details is well explained. I am surprised about the talent of the writer. I am looking forwards for the new story. By the way, how about the roses the birdy planted, I really want to know the reaction of 老板 when she receive the gift...作者回复: