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网友:Viktor 打分:2 [2020-04-23 21:45:51]
:o.is yu ye a spirit beast? Idk what he is, but im imagining that he is a snake? like, a little lizard, with tiny legs, that is iridescent white?
[1楼] 网友:携带贱喵的蠢蠢 [2020-04-27 13:24:07]
He is a tiny chinese dragen. I'm curious how can you understand this fiction but you can't type chinese.
[2楼] 网友:38424899 [2020-04-28 13:39:28]
Sister, it's you again. It's not easy to read novels in Jinjiang.(? ??` ?)
[3楼] 网友:天阙宫上乐 [2021-08-11 02:34:56]
Why do you send English every time you see you
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网友:Viktor 打分:2 [2020-04-23 21:45:51]
is yu ye a spirit beast? Idk what he is, but im imagining that he is a snake? like, a little lizard, with tiny legs, that is iridescent white?
[1楼] 网友:携带贱喵的蠢蠢 [2020-04-27 13:24:07]
He is a tiny chinese dragen. I'm curious how can you understand this fiction but you can't type chinese.
[2楼] 网友:38424899 [2020-04-28 13:39:28]
Sister, it's you again. It's not easy to read novels in Jinjiang.(? ??` ?)
[3楼] 网友:天阙宫上乐 [2021-08-11 02:34:56]
Why do you send English every time you see you