那个好像被证实了不是伏地蝠。 The second trailer revealed a kind of dark mantle which covers the streets of Paris. Some fans speculated that it would be Lethifold, a creature which chokes its victim and digests them. However, the speculation must be untrue. Lethifolds are only found in tropical climates, aren’t able to fly and don’t attack during the daylight.伏地蝠只生活在热带气候下,不会飞,且不会在白天狩猎。关键应该还是格林德沃大概不是那种会用神奇生物的人啊
网友:滚滚吃梨梨 打分:2 [2018-11-19 20:29:12]
[1楼] 网友:叶神嘴里的烟 [2018-11-21 08:25:38]
The second trailer revealed a kind of dark mantle which covers the streets of Paris. Some fans speculated that it would be Lethifold, a creature which chokes its victim and digests them. However, the speculation must be untrue. Lethifolds are only found in tropical climates, aren’t able to fly and don’t attack during the daylight.伏地蝠只生活在热带气候下,不会飞,且不会在白天狩猎。关键应该还是格林德沃大概不是那种会用神奇生物的人啊
10 [投诉]
[2楼] 网友:看我纯洁的小眼神 [2018-11-22 10:37:47]
8 [投诉]
[3楼] 网友:傲娇的GG [2018-12-16 21:23:48]
4 [投诉]