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首页>《[十二国]珞葭之霭 月之薄岚》  第55章

网友:chenxisunrise 打分:0 [2007-09-06 11:58:07]

no matter how much pain, how many history, we still live differntly and leave differntly.
there is never true never end happy ending, because we won't be able to appreciate the happiness if it's infinite. at least this time, they died together, not seperated any more. i think, that might be a good thing for this black Kirin.
"即使是透过这些云烟回顾也难免生出悲凉的感慨." i agree with her view because history is heavy even in the form of novel.
by the way, did you read the translated novel? it's quite good. my favourite Kirin and leader is a 12 year old girl. if you got time, go and read it, you might get some influence of more optimistic character.
thanks for the hard work and i have to say, i still find your POT novel more to my like,probably because i want something a little bit lighter.


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