精靈最早源於北歐神話。北歐神話中第一位巨人是伊米爾(Ymir),霜巨人族是他的後裔。但是神族和巨人族互相看不對眼,主神奧丁與兄弟聯手殺死了伊米爾,然後用伊米爾的屍體創造了世界,而傳說中屍體上的蛆便被神賦予人形,就是精靈(北歐語為「Alfar」)…向光面的蛆變為光精靈,與甘露、陽光與大地果實之神佛瑞(Frey)住在Alfheim(意思便是「精靈國度」)。陰暗面的蛆則變成黑暗精靈,住在地底下(Svartálfaheim)。 在北歐神話以及《舊艾達》(Elder Edda)和其他作者的故事中,光精靈住在愛爾芙海姆(Alfheim),一個接近亞斯加德(Asgard)和瓦納海姆(Vanaheim)的地方(這裡是北歐諸神居住的地方)。黑暗精靈則住在薩法塔夫漢(Svartálfaheim),一個在塵世(或稱人間)以下的地方。北歐的黑暗精靈和北歐矮人差別不大。在神話故事中,許多精靈似乎沒什麼道德標準。他們喜歡玩把戲及玩樂,而且並不特別在意結果。(来自维基中文)——找来了一些资料,总结了一下,黑精的来历似乎有两个,一是没有接受过圣光照耀的,二是在远古战争中与光明精分裂的 =w= Dark elves are known for their aggression, deceit, and stealth. They are very brutal and cruel by nature, having little mercy when it comes to cheating, battling, or anything dealing with the life of another being. They have little respect for even their own kind, at times waging war against each other. However, clans are known to band together, to combat invasions and attacks by other races. They do not mix blood with other races. They lurk in dark places and love the shadows. Rarely will they come into the light for needless purposes, but it is not usually believed light will harm or weaken them. Their weakness varies upon legend, and may include excessive heat, rain, nettles, or the blossoms of some plants and trees. Dark elves generally travel in pairs or groups, as their tendencies towards cheating and theft make them targets for retaliation and violence at the hands of other races.这个是wikipedia上对Dark elves in fiction的词条的总结部分。。看来黑精给人的印象真不怎么好呀~囧
网友:Consuelo 打分:2 [2012-06-29 21:23:08]
[1楼] 作者回复 [2012-06-30 09:57:43]
[2楼] 网友:Consuelo [2012-06-30 13:22:10]
残忍嗜血的精灵在《黑暗精灵》里有最好的体现(偷笑) 托老的黑精应该是跟据北欧神话创作的,不过偶觉得费家众子虽是光明精却很有当黑精的潜力啊,囧 PS遗产就是伊拉龙系列
[3楼] 作者回复 [2012-07-03 19:22:21]
[4楼] 网友:米米 [2012-07-03 19:46:03]
[5楼] 网友:米米 [2012-07-03 20:08:21]
精靈最早源於北歐神話。北歐神話中第一位巨人是伊米爾(Ymir),霜巨人族是他的後裔。但是神族和巨人族互相看不對眼,主神奧丁與兄弟聯手殺死了伊米爾,然後用伊米爾的屍體創造了世界,而傳說中屍體上的蛆便被神賦予人形,就是精靈(北歐語為「Alfar」)…向光面的蛆變為光精靈,與甘露、陽光與大地果實之神佛瑞(Frey)住在Alfheim(意思便是「精靈國度」)。陰暗面的蛆則變成黑暗精靈,住在地底下(Svartálfaheim)。 在北歐神話以及《舊艾達》(Elder Edda)和其他作者的故事中,光精靈住在愛爾芙海姆(Alfheim),一個接近亞斯加德(Asgard)和瓦納海姆(Vanaheim)的地方(這裡是北歐諸神居住的地方)。黑暗精靈則住在薩法塔夫漢(Svartálfaheim),一個在塵世(或稱人間)以下的地方。北歐的黑暗精靈和北歐矮人差別不大。在神話故事中,許多精靈似乎沒什麼道德標準。他們喜歡玩把戲及玩樂,而且並不特別在意結果。(来自维基中文)——找来了一些资料,总结了一下,黑精的来历似乎有两个,一是没有接受过圣光照耀的,二是在远古战争中与光明精分裂的 =w=
Dark elves are known for their aggression, deceit, and stealth. They are very brutal and cruel by nature, having little mercy when it comes to cheating, battling, or anything dealing with the life of another being. They have little respect for even their own kind, at times waging war against each other. However, clans are known to band together, to combat invasions and attacks by other races. They do not mix blood with other races. They lurk in dark places and love the shadows. Rarely will they come into the light for needless purposes, but it is not usually believed light will harm or weaken them. Their weakness varies upon legend, and may include excessive heat, rain, nettles, or the blossoms of some plants and trees. Dark elves generally travel in pairs or groups, as their tendencies towards cheating and theft make them targets for retaliation and violence at the hands of other races.这个是wikipedia上对Dark elves in fiction的词条的总结部分。。看来黑精给人的印象真不怎么好呀~囧
[6楼] 作者回复 [2012-07-04 18:17:01]