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12、Chapter 11 ...

  •   晚上八九点的时候,Steve向她发了一个信息:Tony might come back tonight, I have to stay in the Avengers Compound.
      Rosamund停下手中的活,准备出门和他们汇合。“Tony应该要回来了,你去吗?”沙发上的Loki不紧不慢地爬起来,“Why not”。等两人赶过去,Tony已经在接受治疗了,Pepper则在外面和医生交谈。
      和Pepper打完招呼,一路上到顶层,只见基本所有的复仇者都聚集在这里了,Tony正输着液和Cap争吵些什么(“nothing,nada,no coordination,。。。”见复联4)。她拉开两人,扑倒在Tony身上,“omg, I worried about you so much!”她红着眼睛说道,Tony边拥抱着安慰她边用手指了指她对Cap说,“Our story girl is here. Mind if I ask you why didn't you just get that coordination from her? Cuz if you did that, I guess by the time I’m back, you've already saved trillions of people in the universe.”
      Steve一脸无奈又疑惑的看着他,“She can’t possibly know. She didn't even fight Thanos. We did.” Tony看了看女孩一脸尴尬地从身上站起来,又看了看在场每个人困惑的表情,“Oops, Seems like I’m still the only one here knows who you are.”“Haha, yeah, and, I AM coming here just to talk about this. It’s time.” Rosamund尬笑了一下,看着大家,特别注意了一下站在一边的Nat。
      “I’m sorry Steve, Nat, sorry everyone,” Rosamund转向Tony, “except you. I actually come from another universe, like, a parallel universe. All you've been experiencing here is only movies in our universe. So, I kinda know how it all goes, BUT NOT EXACTLY. Cuz I’M here, and I’ll probably change everything. That’s why I don't wanna be in any part of this before. But now, I have to make some changes here.”
      “WHY?Why now?”Nat冷静地问出一个关键的问题。“Because here is the turning point.”Rosamund深吸一口气,“Fine, I can tell you guys what happened in the future, and therefore this won’t happen even if you TRIED VERY HARD to make this happen. Anyway that’s not the best solution to this at all, so, I don’t mind letting you know that.”Rosamund说完看向Rhodey,“Can I have some water? It’s a LONG story to tell.”
      “We do time heist?” “I chopped off Thanos head?” “I bring back people?” “I have a daughter?” “…”
      “SO, what I’m trying to say here is.” Rosamund抓住时间开始向后cue流程,“We don't mess with time. No going back. No going to the future. No entering or creating new Multi universe.”
      “What else can we do? Thanos has already used the stones to destroy the stones. I might as well just go and chop off his head first.”Thor忿忿地举着Stormbreaker议论道。
      “I guess you missed two points. First, Do Thanos really eliminated half of the lives? All we know is that the six stones can have the power to do so, but we get this info from him, is this true? What if the stones have their own thoughts? And second, Do Thanos really can use the stones to destroy the stones? Wanda’s power is given by the Mind stone, and she could only disintegrate the stone.”
      “That’s just a theory, what we need is a fact.” Steve思考了一下,“That’s why our next stage is to testify it.”Tony说干就干的个性显露出来,他打开自己的设备。
      “I know where Thanos is, we should go and ask.” Nebula插话道,“Then you might want to go to Vormir.”Loki从门外进来,接着话题说下去,Tony一脸震惊地看着他,“What the hell is he doing here?”
      “I WILL explain this later.”Rosamund赶紧安抚Tony的情绪,瞥了一眼先前装作去洗手间实则是为了在关键时刻进门接话的Loki,顺着话题说下去,“How do you know that?” 她惊讶的问,紧接着继续补充道,“A soul for a soul. We have a lot to ask the, the, ugh, red, skull.”
      “Johann Schmidt”Steve补上名字,这个人他再熟悉不过了,但从女孩讲到的故事来看,他应该也不完全是之前自己认识的人了。“Yep thanks. He knows much more than we do about the soul stone. I figure that if what Thanos asked for is lives, then maybe this is the most crucial stone.”这个猜想是她考虑了很久之后才确定下来的。
      “Dinner time superheroes!” Pepper拿着大包小包的快餐盒走进大门,“Oooh Pep! Love you so much! I can really need some supplies!” Rosamund感激的接过她手里的快餐盒。“That’s why I usually don't put myself in the same room with those guys.”Pepper笑着摸了摸女孩。

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