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1、游戏情报与导入 ...

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      *预警:职场恋爱多周目命定论与打破命定论人物ooc 游戏内npc自主意识觉醒不符合世俗道德观的剧情发展



      开发厂商:Destiny-Time Joestar Factory
      发行厂商:Whisper Studio
      赞助厂商:Speedwagon Foundation
      人气乙女游戏制作厂商Destiny-Time Joestar Factory推出了最新作《那不勒斯艳阳下·九日甜蜜心跳回忆》,游戏本体分为《九日艳阳上·护卫队线》与《九日艳阳下·暗杀队线》,通关护卫队线后即可在新周目开启暗杀队线。据著名游戏评论人花京院典明先生透露,本作可攻略对象十分丰富,且玩家可通过多周目探索,在个人线end的基础上打出“perfect end”“true end”等多种结局。“日久生情的恋爱着实可贵,但快餐式的职场爱情却实在精彩。”这位资深游戏测评人如是实说。

      来自Whisper Studio的采访记录:本来是想以mbti16人格为参考设置16种替身,但是SPW给的资金不够暂时搁置了此项计划(指技术力与表现力限制)……请期待制作人员的技术水平提高后推出的精修版本!也欢迎大家留言建议!


      Oh dear,dear. I see the player you mean.

      ——[Please enter your name in this round of game. ]

      Hey, be careful. Compared to the previous game rounds, SHE has now reached a higher level. SHE can read our thoughts.
      No harm at all. SHE always thinks we are part of the import of this game. Haha.

      I like this player. SHE played well, doesn’t SHE? SHE never gives up. Even though SHE has read our conversation in other rounds, SHE’s still looking down.
      SHE reads our thoughts in the form of words that appear on the screen.

      Word is a wonderful interface. Very flexible. And better than staring at reality behind a screen.

      You…seem to be passing on some sort of hypothetical boundary between“Real” and“Virtual”, which is not good. You know, from here on out, there’s no real dividing line.
      Fine, you’re right. This player will continue to jump around the bridge of links, count points, talk, and react. The interface states: “You” are in the beautiful sunlight.“You” are in the roar of the plane——

      Wait, plane?
      Oh, oh, I forgot to tell you. This time the entry point for her is the airport. You know, the end of the journey is also the beginning of another. Classic preset, save tons of work.
      Well then, go on please.
      SHE stands up. Before that SHE had stood up many times in other rounds. And the person in front of the screen had read the text many times on other parallel lines. SHE watched our weird dialogues many times. But now, everything is blank, she’s blank. I like “blank”. Hope you enjoy the intermittent shaking, like a premature baby crying for——
      Okay, stop, stop. Shh.

      Sorry. Well, next, the choice of roads will be the first node: go to A or B, to meet C or D. The interface will go to great lengths to describe the “reality” of those people SHE will meet: how they have beautiful eyes and soft hair, how white the teeth and how red the lips. After that, there will be more nodes. SHE will keep choosing until back here……Sweet suffering god I’m so fxxking sick of these old lines.

      Be patient. SHE will come back here. The game must go on.
      So, [玩家名称] , see you later. Good luck, and good fxxk.(smile)



      ——To be continued
note 作者有话说
第1章 游戏情报与导入

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