And in the middle of a dull-lit weightless street 在一条昏暗飘忽的街中间 Stands a shadow of a man shaped just like me 站着一个与我形体相仿的男人的影子 My curiosity keeps me confused 好奇心让我困惑不已 But still I stand here on my own 但是我仍孤身伫立于此 With nothing left to lose 心中全然没有任何牵挂 And will the rain I don\'t accept wash away my sins 那讨厌的雨是能冲刷我背负的罪恶 Or simply trouble my walk home and my spirit 还是单单给我回家和我的灵魂制造点麻烦? Because I never said no or put up a fight 因为我是个好好先生没涉及过任何纷争 And I\'m emotionally impaired 我的心该是少了什么 When I look at you 当我看向你的时候 And I\'m trying to keep these bones inside my skin 我尽可能地装出一副镇定的样子 But my body is in a hole my shadow digs 我的躯体却藏进影子所挖的坑中 And as I struggle to maintain my position 正当我挣扎着保持姿态 The oil\'s dried from this heart of rusted tin 我这生锈锡人的心脏却耗尽了油只因它跳得太剧烈 And I wonder if I\'ll survive this 我好奇自己能幸免于此 Without you 如果你不在这儿