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10、重点难点精讲(九) ...

  •   一、during the past three years是什么时态标志

      during the past/last three years 意为“在过去的3年中,近3年来”,也可说成in the past/ last three years。这个短语指的是到现在为止3年来的状况,是现在完成时的时间标志。

      I have been there several times during the past three years . 在过去的3年中我到过那里数次。

      During the past month she has read three English books. 她在过去的1个月中读了3本英语书。

      He has written three letters to her in the last few weeks . 在过去的几个星期里,他给她写了3封信。


      for 引导一个短语,常用来表示目的,相当于一个不定式短语。

      He is getting ready for the party. 他正在为参加聚会做准备。(=He is getting ready to attend the party. )

      She has gone to the south for a holiday. 她去南方度假了。(=She has gone to the south to have a holiday. )
note 作者有话说
第10章 重点难点精讲(九)

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