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1、序幕 ...

  •   序幕
      “Hello, players,Welcome toLarge survival game—FVCEplan,I'm your assessor, Here you must strive to survive to the end, we will select the strongest group, Please take it seriously"(你好,玩家们,欢迎来到大型生存游戏——FVCE计划,我是你们的考核官,在这里你们需要生存到最后,我们要选出最强大的群体,请各位认真对待)
      "The game is about to be loaded.,There will be 5000 people participating in the game. You are all outstanding among your peers, We are looking forward to your joining"(游戏即将加载,将有5000人参与游戏,你们都是同龄人中的佼佼者,我们期待着你的加入)
      “Loading successful "(加载成功)
      "Welcome to the sun Lake Park"(欢迎来到太阳湖公园)
note 作者有话说
第1章 序幕

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