四周看看,发现并没有人的痕迹,而此时大部分学生都在教室里上课,或呆在公共休息室与图书馆里,不太可能会来这里。爱丽丝便决定趁着现在,练习一下已经荒废几天的歌喉了。 先做了几个基本的音阶练习,深吸一口气,她开始唱起了她最喜欢的一首歌《Earth Song》,对这首歌,爱丽丝总有很深的感悟。前世就很喜欢,但是当她有一次被邀请去参加和平演唱会时,她便决定将这首歌唱出来,当时果然引起了很大的反响。 “What about sunrise∕What about rain∕What about all the things∕ That you said we were to gain... ∕What about killing fields∕ Is there a time∕what about the things∕ That you said was yours and mine... ∕Did you ever stop to notice∕All the blood we've shed before∕Did you ever stop to notice∕The crying Earth the weeping shores?……”有如精灵般的咏叹调从爱丽丝的口中发出。