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14、【GGAD】【AU】旧日城 ...

  •   根据GGAD小说《旧日城》改编而成,已经不知道多少岁的住在城堡里的GG把年轻的AD拐走了。
      BGM:教皇合唱团的《join me》
      Will you join me, join me, join me│你们会加入我吗?
      Will you join me, join me, join me│你们会加入我吗?
      We are so young│我们太年轻
      Our lives have just begun│我们的生命恰好完结
      But already we are considering│但是我们已完成了考虑
      Escape from this world│从这个世界逃脱
      And we've waited for so long│我们将要等到很久
      For this moment to come│为了未来
      Was so anxious to be together│万分渴望团结
      Together in death│在团结中消逝
      Won't you die tonight for love│你将不会为了爱而在今晚迷失
      Will you join me in death│你将要与我共同离开
      Won't you die│你不会消逝
      Will you join me in death│你将要与我共同离开
      Won't you die tonight for love│你将不会为了爱而在今晚迷失
      Will you join me in death│你要与我共同离开
      Join me in death│与我共同离开
      This world is a cruel place│世界是个残酷的地方
      And we're here only to lose│我们在这里只是失败
      So before life tears us apart let│在生命将我们分开之前
      Death bless me with you│祈愿你与我共同离开
      Won't you die tonight for love│你将不会为了爱而在今晚迷失
      Will you join me in death│你将要与我共同离开
      Won't you die│你不会离开
      Will you join me in death│你将要与我共同离开
      Won't you die tonight for love│你将不会为了爱而在今晚迷失
      Will you join me in death│你将要与我共同离开
      Join me in death│与我共同离开
      This live ain't worth living│这是个不值得生存的生命
      This live ain't worth living│这是个不值得生存的生命

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